Varadaraja V. Raman
Varadaraja V. Raman is Emeritus Professor of Physics and Humanities at the Rochester Institute of Technology
Rochester Institute of Technology
The Rochester Institute of Technology is a private university, located within the town of Henrietta in metropolitan Rochester, New York, United States...

. He has lectured and written profusely on many aspects of Indian heritage and culture and authored numerous books, more than 300 book reviews and scores of articles on science and religion. He is an active member of organizations devoted to building understanding between science and the humanities. In 2005 he was elected Senior Fellow of the Metanexus Institute on Science and Religion

science and religion are intrinsically interconnected both being expressions of the human spirit. – page 10

the technical work of scientists is blind to nationalities, they overlap and mingle like sounds from different instruments in an orchestra to create and constitute the grand symphony that science is – page 13

condemning religions as a whole would be like wanting to destroy a garden because weeds have disfigured it – page 54

When one is involved in the discovery and discernment of the marvelous law and symmetries that shape the phenomenal world, one cannot but be struck by the silent and unfathomable intelligence that seems to pervade the Cosmos – page 142

What debaters in ivory towers often fail to realize is that when it comes to achieving well-defined goals, both theism and atheism can work

The fact is, when we are born, we are neither theists nor atheists, but ignoro-theists – page 157

We are creatures, not only of the mind, but of feelings and emotions as well. Indeed, feelings and emotions are more fundamental to our being than pure logic and reasoning – page 166

Religions are like lofty peaks rising high above the surrounding plains of our physical being, merging, as it were, into the distant domain of heaven itself, beckoning the human spirit with grandeur – page 171

The spiritual quest is the expression of the deepest longing to connect with the Whole – page 172

The person of faith, in ritual or worship, while reciting a prayer, singing a psalm, and invoking a mantra, feels deep within a communion that, like the philosopher’s stone of alchemy, transforms the lead and copper of animal existence into the silver and gold of divine delight – page 176
