União Cívica de Escolas de Samba
The União Cívica das Escolas de Samba - Civic Union of the Samba Schools - or UCES was an entity that represented the samba schools of the city of Rio de Janeiro and organized one of the official parades of the Carnaval
Brazilian Carnival
The Carnival of Brazil is an annual festival held forty-six days before Easter. On certain days of Lent, Roman Catholics and some other Christians traditionally abstained from the consumption of meat and poultry, hence the term "carnival," from carnelevare, "to remove meat." Carnival celebrations...

 of 1950. Among its affiliated schools in 1950 were Mangueira and GRES Portela
GRES Portela
The Grêmio Recreativo Escola de Samba Portela is one of the most traditional samba schools of the city of Rio de Janeiro.- History :In the beginning of the 20th century, in Oswaldo Cruz, there was the carnivalesque group of dancers called Quem Fala de Nós Come Mosca , of Dona Ester...

, that refused to participate in the parade of FBES
Federação Brasileira de Escolas de Samba
The Federação Brasileira de Escolas de Samba , or FBES, was an organisation that represented the samba schools of the city of Rio de Janeiro...

, headed by a sympathizer of Império Serrano, but they could not affiliate to UGESB
União Geral das Escolas de Samba do Brasil
The União Geral das Escolas de Samba do Brasil - General Union of the Samba Schools of Brazil - or was the first entity that represented the samba schools...

, because this entity was being boycotted by the City Hall, that refused to send appropriations to its affiliated schools.


UCES was created with the obvious goal to weaken UGESB, that had among its affiliated schools in 1949 Mangueira and GRES Portela
GRES Portela
The Grêmio Recreativo Escola de Samba Portela is one of the most traditional samba schools of the city of Rio de Janeiro.- History :In the beginning of the 20th century, in Oswaldo Cruz, there was the carnivalesque group of dancers called Quem Fala de Nós Come Mosca , of Dona Ester...

, schools that refused to participate in FBES. In 1950 Mangueira became champion of the Carnaval of UCES, however in 1951, this same samba school along with GRES Portela returned to affiiate to UGESB, leaving UCES empty. Because of this, UCES does not succeed to organize a parade in the Carnaval and shortly after the entity becomes extinct.
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