The Hand You're Dealt
"The Hand You're Dealt" is the tenth episode of the first season of the supernatural
The supernatural or is that which is not subject to the laws of nature, or more figuratively, that which is said to exist above and beyond nature...

 American/Canadian television series Haven
Haven (TV series)
Haven is a supernatural drama television series loosely based on the Stephen King novel The Colorado Kid. The show, filmed on the South Shore of Nova Scotia, Canada, is an American/Canadian co-production. The one-hour drama premiered on July 9, 2010, on Syfy...

. It first aired on SyFy
Syfy , formerly known as the Sci-Fi Channel and SCI FI, is an American cable television channel featuring science fiction, supernatural, fantasy, reality, paranormal, wrestling, and horror programming. Launched on September 24, 1992, it is part of the entertainment conglomerate NBCUniversal, a...

 on September 17, 2010. It was written by Jim Dunn and directed by Rick Rosenthal.


Duke takes Audrey to his old high school to introduce her to his ex-nanny, Vanessa Stanley, who is now the guidance counsellor, in the hope that she has memories of the day the Colorado Kid died, but Vanessa also remembers nothing. Two boys who'd been fighting later visit Vanessa and, after they leave, the principal catches them fighting again and gives Matt West a detention. She complains to Vanessa about the lack of success of her counselling and when she touches Vanessa, Vanessa has a vision. She tries to stop the principal from getting in her car, but the principal gets in and it explodes. No sign of an explosive device was found.

Vanessa frantically tries to get into the pool where one of the boys is now swimming. Suddenly the water heats up and the boy is boiled to death. Nathan has a sketch artist reconstruct the woman seen at the scene. Audrey recognizes that it is Vanessa and she conjectures that Vanessa may have been responsible for the deaths. In Vanessa's house they find notes and drawings of death and destruction, as confirmation of her "Trouble". When they arrest her, she explains that her Trouble is being able to see the last thing that people she has touched see before they die. She doesn't cause it to happen.

Vanessa supplies enough information about many deaths she has seen happening soon for Nathan to recognize an opening air screening of films with Matt West as the projection man. They realize that he is the thread connecting all the events. Vanessa feeling impotent tries to stop West who hits her with a blast of heat. Audrey and Nathan confront him and though he quickly disarms them by heating their guns, Audrey understands that his basic problem is his insecurity, so she belittles him when he thinks that he has become someone important and then she walks away leaving him in his aggitation. This causes an impotent rage which causes him to explode.

Before Vanessa dies she tells Duke he is going to die at the hand of the person who killed the Colorado Kid, a person with a tattoo on his forearm.


This episode earned a Nielsen household rating of 1.1/2. It was viewed by 1.586 million viewers.
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