The Gate to Women's Country

Sheri S. Tepper
Sheri Stewart Tepper is an American author of science fiction, horror and mystery novels; she is particularly known as a feminist science fiction writer, often with an ecofeminist slant....
written in 1988. It describes a world set three hundred years into the future after a catastrophic war which has fractured the United States
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...
into several nations. The setting of the story is Women's Country, apparently in the former Pacific Northwest
Pacific Northwest
The Pacific Northwest is a region in northwestern North America, bounded by the Pacific Ocean to the west and, loosely, by the Rocky Mountains on the east. Definitions of the region vary and there is no commonly agreed upon boundary, even among Pacific Northwesterners. A common concept of the...
. They have evolved in the direction of Ecotopia
Ecotopia: The Notebooks and Reports of William Weston is the seminal utopian novel by Ernest Callenbach, published in 1975. The society described in the book is one of the first ecological utopias and was influential on the counterculture, and the green movement in the 1970s and thereafter.-The...
, reverting to a sustainable economy based on small cities and low-tech local agriculture. They have also developed a matriarchy
A matriarchy is a society in which females, especially mothers, have the central roles of political leadership and moral authority. It is also sometimes called a gynocratic or gynocentric society....
where the women and children live within town walls (so-called women's country) with a small number of male servitors, and most of the men live outside the town in warrior camps.
The Gate to Women's Country is set in the future, 300 years after a nuclear war destroyed most of human civilization. The book focuses on a matriarchal nation known as Women's Country, and particularly the city of Marthatown.Stavia, the novel's heroine, is the younger daughter of Morgot, an important member of the Marthatown Council. The book opens with Stavia as an adult, heading to meet her fifteen-year-old son, Dawid. He has spent the last ten years living outside the city walls with the warriors, as all boys do, and is now old enough to decide whether he wishes to remain a warrior or accept a life of study and service among the women as a servitor. Dawid formally renounces his mother and chooses to become a full-fledged warrior.
Afterwards, Stavia remembers when her younger brother was sent to live with the warriors. Much of the rest of the novel is told in flashback, following Stavia's life from childhood to adulthood. In the story's present, Stavia prepares for her role as Iphigenia in Marthatown's annual performance of Iphigenia at Ilium, a reworking of the Greek tragedy The Trojan Women
The Trojan Women
The Trojan Women is a tragedy by the Greek playwright Euripides. Produced during the Peloponnesian War, it is often considered a commentary on the capture of the Aegean island of Melos and the subsequent slaughter and subjugation of its populace by the Athenians earlier in 415 BC , the same year...
that weaves through the novel as a leitmotif
A leitmotif , sometimes written leit-motif, is a musical term , referring to a recurring theme, associated with a particular person, place, or idea. It is closely related to the musical idea of idée fixe...
While still a child, Stavia met Chernon, the son of one of her mother's friends. Although Chernon lives in the garrison with the other boys and men, he and Stavia form a friendship. They meet at the twice-annual Carnival, the only event in Women's Country where warriors and women can mix freely. Stavia eventually agrees to smuggle books to Chernon for him to read, even though this is forbidden for boys in the garrison.
In fact, Chernon has been ordered by his commander, Michael, to learn more about the secrets of the women who rule Women's Country. After confessing to breaking the ordinances, Stavia is sent away from Marthatown for several years to train as a doctor. On her return Chernon pursues their relationship again. When Stavia is selected for an exploration mission to the south, Chernon leaves the garrison (on Michael's orders) and meets her there.
While away from Women's Country, Stavia and Chernon are captured by a band of "Holylanders", members of a struggling community to the south of Women's Country. They practice polygamy
Polygamy is a marriage which includes more than two partners...
and seem to be descendants of rural fundamentalist Christian splinter groups. The Holylanders are brutally misogynistic and treat women as slaves to their husbands.
Stavia's experiences among the Holylanders gives her a deeper appreciation for her homeland. Upon her return to Women's Country she finally learns the secrets of the Women's Country Council and the choices they have made to preserve their way of life. The secret of Women's Country is that there are no births of warrior children, all children are fathered artificially by servitors. The goal of Women's Country is to breed out the gene that causes men to choose the warrior life.
Major themes
The story explores many elements from ecofeminismEcofeminism
Ecofeminism is a social and political movement which points to the existence of considerable common ground between environmentalism and feminism, with some currents linking deep ecology and feminism...
, which has been a hallmark of much of Tepper's writing, both in her feminist science fiction
Feminist science fiction
Feminist science fiction is a sub-genre of science fiction which tends to deal with women's roles in society. Feminist science fiction poses questions about social issues such as how society constructs gender roles, the role reproduction plays in defining gender and the unequal political and...
and in her pseudonymous mysteries.
The question of the causes of human violence is also a major theme, and in the novel Tepper's society hopes they are successfully breeding violence out of humanity. In the novel, violence appears to be biologically determined. By selecting only nonviolent individuals to breed, the society is slowly increasing the number of such nonviolent members.
Tepper is careful to demonstrate that it is only unreasoning violence, not the ability to learn to fight and defend oneself and others, that is being bred out. Both servitors and women of Women's Country demonstrate these skills, but never due to quarreling or the pleasure of fighting.
It is more apparent that violent men are being weeded out, but women are also given hysterectomies and tubal litigations at the discretion of the medical officers.
The biological determinism of Tepper's world also controls sexuality, and the novel constructs homosexuality
Homosexuality is romantic or sexual attraction or behavior between members of the same sex or gender. As a sexual orientation, homosexuality refers to "an enduring pattern of or disposition to experience sexual, affectional, or romantic attractions" primarily or exclusively to people of the same...
as a genetic and hormonal disorder which has been eugenically removed from the population. Jane Donawerth, applauding the depth and richness of Tepper's exploration of this theme, describes Tepper's approach as a "chillingly homophobic solution". Tepper thus illustrates a world approaching a feminist utopia through the vision of a powerful leadership who impose rigid behavioural control on their society, and engineer the removal of those traits they consider undesirable through forced sterilization.