Tailor's bunion
Tailor's bunion, or Bunionette, is a condition caused as a result of inflammation of the fifth metatarsal bone
Fifth metatarsal bone
The fifth metatarsal bone is recognized by a rough eminence, the tuberosity, on the lateral side of its base.The base articulates behind, by a triangular surface cut obliquely in a transverse direction, with the cuboid; and medially, with the fourth metatarsal.On the medial part of its dorsal...

 at the base of the little toe.

It is mostly similar to a bunion
A bunion is a deformity characterized by lateral deviation of the great toe, often erroneously described as an enlargement of bone or tissue around the joint at the head of the big toe...

(the same type of ailment affecting the big toe). It is called Tailor's Bunion because in past centuries, tailors sat cross-legged, and this was thought to cause this protrusion on the outside aspect of the foot.

It may also be known as Metatarsalgia or intractable plantar keratosis.

It is usually characterized by inflammation, pain and redness of the little toe.

Often a tailor's bunion is caused by a faulty mechanical structure of the foot. The fifth metatarsal bone starts to protrude outward, while the little toe moves inward. This change in alignment creates an enlargement on the outside of the foot.

Tailor's bunion is easily diagnosed because the protrusion is visually apparent. X-rays may be ordered to help the surgeon find out the severity of the deformity.


Some of the non-surgical therapies includes.
  1. Shoe modifications - Wearing shoes that have a wide toe box, and avoiding those with pointed toes or high heels.
  2. Oral medications - Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may help in relieving the pain and inflammation.
  3. Injection therapy - Injections of corticosteroid are commonly used to treat the inflammation.
  4. Padding - Bunionette pads placed over the affected area may help reduce pain.
  5. Icing - An ice pack may be applied to reduce pain and inflammation.

Surgery is often considered when pain continues for a long period with no improvement in these non-surgical therapies.
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