T&T Clark
T&T Clark is a British publishing firm which was founded in Edinburgh in 1821 and which now exists as an imprint of Continuum International Publishing Group
Continuum International Publishing Group
The Continuum International Publishing Group is a publisher of books, with its editorial offices in London and New York City. It had been owned by Nova Capital Management since 2005...


The founder was Thomas Clark, who had a Free Church of Scotland background and the company was originally concerned with law and foreign literature. In the 1830s, it began to develop a theology list, taking a progressive Evangelical stance and at times, publishing books that were not likely to make a profit. Its most substantial projects were the English translation of the Ante-Nicene Fathers
Ante-Nicene Fathers
The Ante-Nicene Fathers, subtitled "The Writings of the Fathers Down to A.D. 325", is a collection of books in 10 volumes containing English translations of the majority of Early Christian writings. The period covers the beginning of Christianity until before the promulgation of the Nicene Creed...

and the Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics
Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics
The Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics is a 12-volume work edited by James Hastings, written between 1908 and 1927 and composed of entries by many contributors. It covers not only religious matters but thousands of ancillary topics as well, including folklore, myth, ritual, anthropology,...

. These were only viable because of the existence of a large American market; however, in the 1880s the firm got into a dispute with Fleming H Revell, over the American firm's pirating of some of T&T Clark's titles. The Ante-Nicene Library was pirated by New York's Christian Literature Company. However, this did not prevent T&T Clark from doing business with them. In 1965, the company began to publish Concilium, a Roman Catholic journal. In 2003, the three religious academic imprints of Sheffield Academic Press
Sheffield Academic Press
Sheffield Academic Press was an academic imprint, particularly highly regarded for publications in the fields of biblical studies and religious studies, based at the University of Sheffield. It was launched in the mid-1980s, co-founded by biblical scholars Philip R. Davies and David J. A. Clines....

, Trinity Press International and T&T Clark were united under one imprint.
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