São Romão (Seia)
São Romão is a parish in the municipality of Seia, with a land area of 17.92 km2, 6,500 inhabitants and a density of 362 inhabitants/Km2
It was the county seat from the 13th century until 1836. It consisted of one parish and had, in 1801, 1426 inhabitants.
Location of São Romão on Google Maps: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=pt-PT&geocode=&q=Sao+Romao+-++Seia&sll=-6.982778,-39.660833&sspn=0.006784,0.009356&ie=UTF8&ll=40.401961,-7.717381&spn=0.08327,0.149689&z=13
It was the county seat from the 13th century until 1836. It consisted of one parish and had, in 1801, 1426 inhabitants.
Location of São Romão on Google Maps: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=pt-PT&geocode=&q=Sao+Romao+-++Seia&sll=-6.982778,-39.660833&sspn=0.006784,0.009356&ie=UTF8&ll=40.401961,-7.717381&spn=0.08327,0.149689&z=13
Festivals and Fairs
- Festival of Saint Peter (last Sunday in June)
- Weekly Fair (Sunday)
- St. Silvester (January 1)
- St. Sebastian (April 20)
- Burial of the Lord (Friday of the Lord)
- St. Peter (last Sunday in June)
- São Romão (August 9)
- Our Lady of the Exile (August 15)
- Chapel of the eighteenth century
- Shrine of Our Lady of Exile