Superman: World of New Krypton
Superman: World of New Krypton is a twelve-issue American comic book
limited series
produced by DC Comics
. It is written by the team of James Robinson and Greg Rucka
, who at the time of this publication are the current writers of the Superman
and Action Comics
titles, and illustrated by artist Pete Woods
World of New Krypton takes place after the crossover Superman: New Krypton
, in which approximately 100,000 Kryptonian
s and their city of Kandor
are saved by Superman
from the alien Brainiac
and restored to existence. After spending time on Earth, the Kryptonians raise the city into space where they form the planet New Krypton in Earth's solar system.
. However, just before the first issue was to be released, Kreisberg dropped out of the title in order to focus on his work as a writer on the television series Fringe
, as well as his other comic commitments to Green Arrow/Black Canary. He was promptly replaced by James Robinson and Greg Rucka
, who are simultaneously writing Superman
and Action Comics
, the normal Superman titles, without the regular title character.
For the majority of 2009, this was the only DC Comics title that Superman appeared in. Action Comics and Superman will have new feature characters for the duration of World of New Krypton, with the new incarnation of Nightwing
and Flamebird
in Action Comics and the Guardian
and Mon-El
in Superman.
Due to the expansive nature of DC's 2009 summer event Blackest Night, World of New Krypton co-writer Greg Rucka stated, "Superman's on Earth in August." This ended up being foreshadowing for the tie-in mini-series Blackest Night: Superman, which was written by James Robinson and penciled by former Action artist Eddy Barrows. Superman also appears in the main Blackest Night title by Geoff Johns
and Ivan Reis
in a supporting role, with the main characters in that series being Green Lantern and The Flash.
The events of the series lead into the major War of the Supermen storyline.
. He instructs his friend Mon-El
to "take over for him," and has conversations with the Guardian
and Jimmy Olsen
before disembarking for New Krypton. Superman intends to live amongst the Kryptonians in the hopes of easing tensions with Earth and teaching them to use their powers responsibly.
When he arrives on the planet, he receives a lukewarm welcome from members of the Kryptonian military. He is openly welcomed by Alura, who asks him to pick a guild with which to be employed while on the planet. While he is deciding this, it is revealed to him that General Zod
has been released from the Phantom Zone
and is lauded as a great leader and a hero. He is given his previous job as the head of the Kryptonian military, and Superman finds this alarming. Zod maintains that he no longer has any reason to hate his fellow Kryptonians, as they have now accepted him. While deciding which guild to register for and having an argument with Zod, he is assaulted by his father Jor-El
's former friend and lobotomized disciple of Zod, Non. Superman disposes of him quickly, and makes it clear that while the New Kryptonians hostile to him are steadily learning their powers
, Superman has had his for years and demonstrates his vastly superior fighting skill and capability with his powers.
When Alura asks Superman which guild he has chosen, he admits that he is not comfortable with any, even going so far as to liken the Kryptonians' working conditions to slavery. However, Superman ultimately is assigned to be a member of the Military guild and is referred to by General Zod as "Commander El."
, the Guardians of the Universe
discuss New Krypton, fearing that the Kryptonians while under the leadership of General Zod will return to a military expansion that the Guardians feared long ago before Krypton's destruction. On New Krypton, Zod boasts of a recently redesigned rifle made to kill native Kryptonian species. He puts "Commander El" in charge of the "Red Shard," a unit responsible for law enforcement and civic defense.
As his second, Superman is assigned Lieutenant Asha Del-Nar. Together, they find members of their new unit forcing Non, a recent transfer into the unit, to fight against a vicious Torquat. Superman reprimands the unit and later shares a conversation with Alura about the Kryptonian guilds. Avoiding Zod, Superman runs into his servant of the labor guild who speaks of unrest in his guild. Zod then arrives and orders Superman to kill a stampede of beasts that threatens a colony.
When the Red Shard prepares to kill the animals with their new rifles, Superman orders them to put the weapons away and instead teaches them how to wrangle the beasts without killing them. Zod compliments Superman on handling the situation, but admonishes "Commander El" for challenging his authority. Their conversation is stopped when news of a Labor Guild member taking hostages, including Alura, emerges. Commander Gor, a man responsible for killing several human police officers in Superman: New Krypton
, arrives and threatens to kill them all if the hostages are not released. This leaves Zod pleased and Superman concerned that there could be a loss of life on his watch.
Tam-Or says that as Earth's sun precludes the need for rest or food, the Labor Guild has been working literally non-stop since New Krypton has been formed. They want time to rest and see their families. Additionally, there is some unknown disease spreading through the Labor Guild ranks, even though that shouldn't be possible, and they want the Science Guild to find out why. Finally, they want a representation on the new Science Council being formed. Alura agrees to the first two requests, but points out that the Labor Guild has never had a seat on the Science Council in Kryptonian history, to which Superman points out that this is New Krypton. Alura finally agrees to consider the third demand if the Labor Guild agree to stand down.
The Labor Guild surrenders and sets down their weapons. Superman has resolved the situation peacefully before General Zod's deadline. Commander Gor however, having not received the order to stand down, sits with a sniper rifle above the square where Alura and the others were being held. He fires a shot aimed at Tam-Or, but Supergirl rushes in and catches the bullet before it can strike its target.
Superman returns to Military Guild headquarters and gives Zod an update. Commander Gor, having nursed a dislike for Superman for quite some time, kicks him in the back. By Guild protocol, an official duel is conducted. Since both men have super powers, Superman relies upon his combat training to win the day. As the fight concludes, Superman turns his eyes upward to see three members of the Green Lantern Corps
hovering above them. Green Lantern
Hal Jordan
tells Superman, "It's time we talked".
Flying over the city, Tyr-Van gives the Green Lanterns a rundown of the city's founding, before moving on to encompass the whole planet - using the tech they were able to steal from Brainiac, they have made a new planet. Currently they are building an atmosphere, then a moon. Within a year, they will be finished. Kal is proud and happy. He and Sodam Yat
chat briefly about Mon-El.
Lieutenant Nar arrives to get Kal for an emergency briefing. Thirteen criminals were brought to New Krypton from the Phantom Zone, and adapted to their powers faster than the other Kryptonians. They have been on the run, but they have a lead on one of them. Orders are to bring them in, but the Red Shard has been ordered to escort the Green Lanterns on their tour.
The Green Lanterns are surprised, and a little unsympathetic, to find that New Krypton is building a fleet of space ships. Tyr tells them that they are billed as a security deterrent, but Hal Jordan believes Zod is planning something. Kal cannot vouch for Zod, but he asks Hal to trust him.
Suddenly, an explosion occurs at the other end of the yard. A group of the criminals were meeting here, and when they were ambushed by the Military Guild, one of them ruptured a fuel line to cover the escape of all the others. There were no deaths, and no apparent leads. But Kal points out that the Kryptonians can hear someone flying away very fast. The chase is on.
The fugitive is identified as Val-Ty, alias Greyline, a notorious murderer who fought Tomar-Re
. They chase him into the scaffolding around one of the unfinished ships, where he steals welding equipment and uses it as an explosive. Nar takes the Red Shard around the other side and Kal and the Green Lanterns are to herd him there. However, Zod has his own plans - when Nar has him in custody, she is to execute him. Kal overhears her from the other side of the scaffolding, and asks her to ignore Zod's last order.
The plan is a success, and Greyline is taken into custody. The Green Lanterns prepare to take him back to Oa to be imprisoned for past crimes, but Zod arrives and points out that New Krypton has jurisdiction - and Oa has no extradition treaties with New Krypton. Hal is set to argue, but John Stewart
gets him to back off on the condition that Zod not execute Greyline, and the Green Lanterns go home to make their report.
That night, Greyline is behind a force field, already swearing revenge on Kal (who is surprised to see Zod kept his word) and the rest of the Military Guild. Zod is impressed at his skill, but he orders Kal and Nar to be taken into custody and charged with treason.
Dyn-Xe informed Kal that if found guilty of treason, the penalty is death by execution in the absence of the phantom zone for incarceration. Due to the Nova Day Celebration, all pending legal matters must also be resolved before the end of the holiday or the day after tomorrow.
Dyn-Xe’s defence strategy is to argue that because Zod has a history with the house of EL, prosecuting Kal is just another vendetta against the house of EL.
At the trial, Zod withdrew himself from prosecuting Kal but continued to prosecute Lieutenant Nar. She admitted to all charges and claimed she acted alone. However Kal argued for her and eventually inform the council that he stopped Nar from obeying Zod’s order. Zod dismissed all charges against Nar but ask the council to find Kal guilty of treason by his own admission.
Nar and Tyr-Van visited Kal at his cell and Tyr-Van installed a device to deactivate the red sun generator in his cell, which would allow him to escape. However, Kal does not escape and choose to accept his punishment.
Kal was found guilty by the council and denies that by disobeying Zod’s order, he was a traitor. Zod spoke up for Kal by pointing out that on Nova day, the religious guild has the power to grant absolution. Kal was eventually spared and freed.
As part of the Nova Day celebration, New Krypton planned to remove the dome covering their city with the successful regulation of the atmosphere. At the height of the celebration, Zod was shot by an assassin.
Zod’s injury was serious and the doctor has to put him in a stasis to prevent a cascading failure. The people of New Krypton were afraid that the attempted assassination of Zod is the start of an attack. Alura managed to clam the people down.
Kal headed back to interrogate Ral-Dar and discovered he managed to escape, apparently with some outside help was seen leaving for Earth.
Fearing an escalation of tension between Earth and New Krytpon, Kal decide to capture Ral-Dar with Kara.
Kal figured out that Tyr-Van was working for Zod and was instructed by Zod to allow Kal to escape when he was imprisoned for treason.
New Krypton is carrying out Operation: Callisto, a plan to disengage one of Jupiter’s moon to act as New Krypton’s moon. The plan was going as planned until they encountered a Thanagarian’s battle group. When the pilot ship guiding Callisto was destroyed, the explosion affected the sunstone crystal inserted into Callisto’s core and it is now out of control and heading for New Krypton.
Kal explained that New Krypton bears no hostility towards Thanagar and that he has ordered all Kryptonian forces withdrawn and asked to attend to the more urgent task of the out-of-control Callisto.
The Thanagarian assisted in the slowing down of Callisto by firing nth metal energy beams and hitting Callisto with targeted gravity wells, but it remained on a collision course with New Krypton. Kal managed to get all the people of New Krypton to nudge Callisto to its intended orbit.
Wing-Master Dae was directed by her government to open diplomatic channels between New Krypton and Thanagar. The Interim Council agrees but the session was interrupted by another alien named Jemm.
The Labour Guild is having an epidemic with those working the farm details being infected with shakes.
Kal was visiting Zod who is making a slow recovery, when the received words that there is something wrong at councillor Mar-Li’s residence. Kal forced open the door to see Adam Strange standing over the body of the councillor.
Kal convince the council to allow Adam Strange to leave if he proves his innocence by solving the murder of Councillor Mar-Li.
An examination of the room revealed that the killer has not left any presence behind. An examination of his body revealed traces of carbon casing for small explosive rounds, fired from a device used to help with terraforming. It was a tool used by the Labour Guild and Mar-Li was vocal opponent of admitting a labour guild member into the council.
Kal and Adam proceed to the Labour Guild to talk to Tam-Or, their unofficial spokesman where they came across another sick Labour guild member. Tam-Or run away from Kal with the help of the Labour Guild members. Adam pursued Tam-Or but he managed to escape.
Kal and Adam revealed their findings while Lieutenant Nar requested for permission to switch to orbital scanners as they have not being able to find Tam-Or. Kal is convinced that Tam-Or is not guilty as he wanted representation for the Labour Guild. Kal’s postulated that killing councillor Mar-Li may be an assassination attempt. Kal’s aunt Alura, another council member is seen target in a sniper’s scope.
Kal reported his findings to the council and it was suggested that Kal was not seriously pursing Tam-Or because his mother was also from the Labour Guild.
Kal visited Zod who told him that it is not difficult with Kryptonian technology for genetic material to be planted. He concluded that Tam-On is smart but not a tactician and could not be responsible for Mar-ali’s death or the attempt on Alura’s life.
Kal and Adam met Tyr-Van and convinced him to lead them to a military facility lined with lead and soundproofed. They found Tam-On and persuaded him to surrender. Councillor Zo and Commander Gor tracked Kal as there was some question about his loyalty.
Kal was informed that Zod has resumed active duty and that he has been demoted back to Commander. Kal, Tyr and Tam were hit with the Red Sun beam while Gor gave the command to fire the kinetics.
Gor, Zo and Zod turned up at their location and Zod demoted Gor to Lancepsade for not following his orders of no lethal force. Zod request Adam Strange’s departure due to his sensitive position as a representative of Rann.
Kal told Zod that Tam was being manipulated and knew who was responsible but died before he could tell them.
Kal and Zod revealed the facts of the case and Kal concluded that Ral-Dar and Tam-Or were probably misled. Kal eventually figured that Councillor Wri-Qin was the mastermind. Kal visited Wri-Qin who revealed that Superwoman came on General Lane’s behalf and convinced them to weaken Krypton, so that Earth can achieve a quicker victory against Krypton.
It was Wri-Qin that had his co-conspirators killed so that he could have all the spoils to himself. Kal and his Red Shard team managed to capture Wri-Qin into custody.
Zod informed Kal that the council has granted the Labour Guild a seat on the council and that Tyr-Van has been named his representative. As Kal-El contemplated his contributions to Krypton, Zod commended him for being instrumental in changing the foundation of society. As they conversed, a Brainiac robot suddenly appears.
American comic book
An American comic book is a small magazine originating in the United States and containing a narrative in the form of comics. Since 1975 the dimensions have standardized at 6 5/8" x 10 ¼" , down from 6 ¾" x 10 ¼" in the Silver Age, although larger formats appeared in the past...
limited series
Limited series
A limited series is a comic book series with a set number of installments. A limited series differs from an ongoing series in that the number of issues is determined before production and it differs from a one shot in that it is composed of multiple issues....
produced by DC Comics
DC Comics
DC Comics, Inc. is one of the largest and most successful companies operating in the market for American comic books and related media. It is the publishing unit of DC Entertainment a company of Warner Bros. Entertainment, which itself is owned by Time Warner...
. It is written by the team of James Robinson and Greg Rucka
Greg Rucka
Gregory "Greg" Rucka is an American comic book writer and novelist, known for his work on such comics as Action Comics, Batwoman: Detective Comics, and the miniseries Superman: World of New Krypton for DC Comics, and for novels such as his Queen & Country series.-Career:Rucka's writing career...
, who at the time of this publication are the current writers of the Superman
Superman (comic book)
Superman is an ongoing comic book series featuring the DC Comics hero of the same name. The character Superman began as one of several anthology features in the National Periodical Publications comic book Action Comics #1 in June 1938...
and Action Comics
Action Comics
Action Comics is an American comic book series that introduced Superman, the first major superhero character as the term is popularly defined...
titles, and illustrated by artist Pete Woods
Pete Woods
Peter "Pete" Woods is a comic book artist, illustrator and penciller. He is best known for his work on titles such as Backlash, Deadpool, Robin, Catwoman, Amazons Attack and Action Comics.-Biography:...
World of New Krypton takes place after the crossover Superman: New Krypton
Superman: New Krypton
"New Krypton" is a Superman story arc written by Geoff Johns, James Robinson, and Sterling Gates with art by Gary Frank, Alex Ross, Renato Guedes, Jamal Igle and Pete Woods and published by DC Comics...
, in which approximately 100,000 Kryptonian
Kryptonians are a fictional extraterrestrial race of the DC Comics universe who hail from the planet Krypton. The term originated from the stories of DC Comics superhero, Superman...
s and their city of Kandor
Kandor is the name of the former capital city of the fictional planet Krypton in the DC Universe. It is best known for being stolen and miniaturized by the supervillain Brainiac...
are saved by Superman
Superman is a fictional comic book superhero appearing in publications by DC Comics, widely considered to be an American cultural icon. Created by American writer Jerry Siegel and Canadian-born American artist Joe Shuster in 1932 while both were living in Cleveland, Ohio, and sold to Detective...
from the alien Brainiac
Brainiac (comics)
Brainiac is a fictional character that appears in comic books published by DC Comics. The character first appeared in Action Comics #242 , and was created by Otto Binder and Al Plastino....
and restored to existence. After spending time on Earth, the Kryptonians raise the city into space where they form the planet New Krypton in Earth's solar system.
Publication history
Originally, this series was solicited to be written by Andrew KreisbergAndrew Kreisberg
Andrew Kreisberg is an American television Writer. His first job was on the short-lived animated sitcom Mission Hill. Since its cancellation, he has written for Justice League, The Simpsons, Hope & Faith, Boston Legal, and Fringe...
. However, just before the first issue was to be released, Kreisberg dropped out of the title in order to focus on his work as a writer on the television series Fringe
Fringe (TV series)
Fringe is an American science fiction television series created by J. J. Abrams, Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci. The series follows a Federal Bureau of Investigation "Fringe Division" team based in Boston, Massachusetts under the supervision of Homeland Security...
, as well as his other comic commitments to Green Arrow/Black Canary. He was promptly replaced by James Robinson and Greg Rucka
Greg Rucka
Gregory "Greg" Rucka is an American comic book writer and novelist, known for his work on such comics as Action Comics, Batwoman: Detective Comics, and the miniseries Superman: World of New Krypton for DC Comics, and for novels such as his Queen & Country series.-Career:Rucka's writing career...
, who are simultaneously writing Superman
Superman (comic book)
Superman is an ongoing comic book series featuring the DC Comics hero of the same name. The character Superman began as one of several anthology features in the National Periodical Publications comic book Action Comics #1 in June 1938...
and Action Comics
Action Comics
Action Comics is an American comic book series that introduced Superman, the first major superhero character as the term is popularly defined...
, the normal Superman titles, without the regular title character.
For the majority of 2009, this was the only DC Comics title that Superman appeared in. Action Comics and Superman will have new feature characters for the duration of World of New Krypton, with the new incarnation of Nightwing
Chris Kent (comics)
Christopher Kent is a fictional character, a Kryptonian in the , who first appeared in Action Comics #844 , the first part of the Action Comics story arc "Superman: Last Son". Created by Richard Donner and Geoff Johns, he is the biological son of General Zod and Ursa, and the foster son of Clark...
and Flamebird
Flamebird is the name used by six different fictional comic book characters who have appeared in books published by DC Comics, specifically from the Superman and Batman mythos....
in Action Comics and the Guardian
Guardian (DC Comics)
Guardian is a comic book fictional character, a DC Comics superhero, created by Jack Kirby and Joe Simon. He first appeared in Star Spangled Comics #7...
and Mon-El
Lar Gand
Lar Gand, known primarily as Mon-El , is a fictional character in DC Comics' universe who is associated with the Legion of Super-Heroes, Superboy, and Superman...
in Superman.
Due to the expansive nature of DC's 2009 summer event Blackest Night, World of New Krypton co-writer Greg Rucka stated, "Superman's on Earth in August." This ended up being foreshadowing for the tie-in mini-series Blackest Night: Superman, which was written by James Robinson and penciled by former Action artist Eddy Barrows. Superman also appears in the main Blackest Night title by Geoff Johns
Geoff Johns
Geoff Johns is an American comic book writer, best known for his work for DC Comics, where he has been Chief Creative Officer since February 2010, in particular for characters such as Green Lantern, The Flash and Superman...
and Ivan Reis
Ivan Reis
Ivan Reis , born 1976 in São Paulo, is a Brazilian comic book artist. He is known for his work on books such as Marvel Comics' Captain Marvel, and DC Comics' Green Lantern books...
in a supporting role, with the main characters in that series being Green Lantern and The Flash.
The events of the series lead into the major War of the Supermen storyline.
Issue 1
In the build-up to this series, Superman agrees to a deal with his aunt Alura that he renounce his allegiance to Earth and severs ties there in order to live on New Krypton with his people. He does not truthfully renounce all ties to his adopted home, as he tells his wife Lois LaneLois Lane
Lois Lane is a fictional character, the primary love interest of Superman in the comic books of DC Comics. Created by writer Jerry Siegel and artist Joe Shuster, she first appeared in Action Comics #1 ....
. He instructs his friend Mon-El
Lar Gand
Lar Gand, known primarily as Mon-El , is a fictional character in DC Comics' universe who is associated with the Legion of Super-Heroes, Superboy, and Superman...
to "take over for him," and has conversations with the Guardian
Guardian (DC Comics)
Guardian is a comic book fictional character, a DC Comics superhero, created by Jack Kirby and Joe Simon. He first appeared in Star Spangled Comics #7...
and Jimmy Olsen
Jimmy Olsen
Jimmy Olsen is a fictional character who appears mainly in DC Comics’ Superman stories. Olsen is a young photojournalist working for the Daily Planet. He is close friends with Lois Lane, Clark Kent/Superman and Perry White...
before disembarking for New Krypton. Superman intends to live amongst the Kryptonians in the hopes of easing tensions with Earth and teaching them to use their powers responsibly.
When he arrives on the planet, he receives a lukewarm welcome from members of the Kryptonian military. He is openly welcomed by Alura, who asks him to pick a guild with which to be employed while on the planet. While he is deciding this, it is revealed to him that General Zod
General Zod
General Zod is a fictional character who appears in comic books published by DC Comics, a supervillain who is one of Superman's more-prominent enemies. The character first appeared in Adventure Comics #283 , and was created by Robert Bernstein and George Papp...
has been released from the Phantom Zone
Phantom Zone
The Phantom Zone is a fictional prison dimension featured in the Superman comic books and related media published by DC Comics. It first appeared in Adventure Comics #283 , and was created by Robert Bernstein and George Papp...
and is lauded as a great leader and a hero. He is given his previous job as the head of the Kryptonian military, and Superman finds this alarming. Zod maintains that he no longer has any reason to hate his fellow Kryptonians, as they have now accepted him. While deciding which guild to register for and having an argument with Zod, he is assaulted by his father Jor-El
Jor-El is a fictional character, an extraterrestrial in the . He was created by the writer Jerry Siegel and the artist Joe Shuster, and he first appeared in a newspaper comic strip in 1939 as Superman's biological father....
's former friend and lobotomized disciple of Zod, Non. Superman disposes of him quickly, and makes it clear that while the New Kryptonians hostile to him are steadily learning their powers
Powers and abilities of Superman
The powers of DC Comics character Superman have changed a great deal since his introduction in the 1930s. The extent of his powers peaked during the 1970s and 1980s to the point where various writers found it difficult to create suitable challenges for the character...
, Superman has had his for years and demonstrates his vastly superior fighting skill and capability with his powers.
When Alura asks Superman which guild he has chosen, he admits that he is not comfortable with any, even going so far as to liken the Kryptonians' working conditions to slavery. However, Superman ultimately is assigned to be a member of the Military guild and is referred to by General Zod as "Commander El."
Issue 2
On OaOa
Oa is a fictional planet that lies at the center of the DC Comics universe. Since its inception, Oa has been the planetary citadel of the Guardians of the Universe and the headquarters of the Green Lantern Corps...
, the Guardians of the Universe
Guardians of the Universe
The Guardians of the Universe, alternatively known as the Guardians or Oans are a fictional extraterrestrial race in the DC Comics universe. They first appeared in Green Lantern Vol. 2 #1 , and were created by John Broome and Gil Kane. Here they do not reveal their existence to Hal, bringing his...
discuss New Krypton, fearing that the Kryptonians while under the leadership of General Zod will return to a military expansion that the Guardians feared long ago before Krypton's destruction. On New Krypton, Zod boasts of a recently redesigned rifle made to kill native Kryptonian species. He puts "Commander El" in charge of the "Red Shard," a unit responsible for law enforcement and civic defense.
As his second, Superman is assigned Lieutenant Asha Del-Nar. Together, they find members of their new unit forcing Non, a recent transfer into the unit, to fight against a vicious Torquat. Superman reprimands the unit and later shares a conversation with Alura about the Kryptonian guilds. Avoiding Zod, Superman runs into his servant of the labor guild who speaks of unrest in his guild. Zod then arrives and orders Superman to kill a stampede of beasts that threatens a colony.
When the Red Shard prepares to kill the animals with their new rifles, Superman orders them to put the weapons away and instead teaches them how to wrangle the beasts without killing them. Zod compliments Superman on handling the situation, but admonishes "Commander El" for challenging his authority. Their conversation is stopped when news of a Labor Guild member taking hostages, including Alura, emerges. Commander Gor, a man responsible for killing several human police officers in Superman: New Krypton
Superman: New Krypton
"New Krypton" is a Superman story arc written by Geoff Johns, James Robinson, and Sterling Gates with art by Gary Frank, Alex Ross, Renato Guedes, Jamal Igle and Pete Woods and published by DC Comics...
, arrives and threatens to kill them all if the hostages are not released. This leaves Zod pleased and Superman concerned that there could be a loss of life on his watch.
Issue 3
Superman tries to talk General Zod out of allowing Commander Gor to execute the Labor Guild prisoners. Zod is undeterred, but Superman convinces him to allow him to try to quell the situation without further violence. As a sign of good faith, Superman allows himself to be blasted with the red solar energy of an Archer rifle, which negates his powers for thirty minutes. Superman goes into the Galla where Labor Guild leader, Tam-Or, is keeping the provisional government captive. He appeals to his aunt, Alura, and asks her to consider the Guild's needs should they agree to set them free. Alura allows Tam-Or to air his demands.Tam-Or says that as Earth's sun precludes the need for rest or food, the Labor Guild has been working literally non-stop since New Krypton has been formed. They want time to rest and see their families. Additionally, there is some unknown disease spreading through the Labor Guild ranks, even though that shouldn't be possible, and they want the Science Guild to find out why. Finally, they want a representation on the new Science Council being formed. Alura agrees to the first two requests, but points out that the Labor Guild has never had a seat on the Science Council in Kryptonian history, to which Superman points out that this is New Krypton. Alura finally agrees to consider the third demand if the Labor Guild agree to stand down.
The Labor Guild surrenders and sets down their weapons. Superman has resolved the situation peacefully before General Zod's deadline. Commander Gor however, having not received the order to stand down, sits with a sniper rifle above the square where Alura and the others were being held. He fires a shot aimed at Tam-Or, but Supergirl rushes in and catches the bullet before it can strike its target.
Superman returns to Military Guild headquarters and gives Zod an update. Commander Gor, having nursed a dislike for Superman for quite some time, kicks him in the back. By Guild protocol, an official duel is conducted. Since both men have super powers, Superman relies upon his combat training to win the day. As the fight concludes, Superman turns his eyes upward to see three members of the Green Lantern Corps
Green Lantern Corps
The Green Lantern Corps is the name of a fictional intergalactic military/police force appearing in comics published by DC Comics. They patrol the farthest reaches of the DC Universe at the behest of the Guardians, a race of immortals residing on the planet Oa...
hovering above them. Green Lantern
Green Lantern
The Green Lantern is the shared primary alias of several fictional characters, superheroes appearing in comic books published by DC Comics. The first Green Lantern was created by writer Bill Finger and artist Martin Nodell in All-American Comics #16 .Each Green Lantern possesses a power ring and...
Hal Jordan
Hal Jordan
Harold "Hal" Jordan is a DC Comics superhero known as Green Lantern, the first human shown to join the Green Lantern Corps and a founding member of the Justice League of America. Jordan is the second DC Comics character to adopt the Green Lantern moniker...
tells Superman, "It's time we talked".
Issue 4
Based on the recent arrival of New Krypton, the Guardians of the Universe have sent a fact-finding mission. Their first contact, Kal-El, is pleased to see his old friends, but General Zod arrives within seconds. He remembers the Earthly Green Lanterns that fought him skilfully when they last met, and he orders Kal and Tyr to give them a tour of New Krypton.Flying over the city, Tyr-Van gives the Green Lanterns a rundown of the city's founding, before moving on to encompass the whole planet - using the tech they were able to steal from Brainiac, they have made a new planet. Currently they are building an atmosphere, then a moon. Within a year, they will be finished. Kal is proud and happy. He and Sodam Yat
Sodam Yat
Sodam Yat is a fictional character, an extraterrestrial superhero published by DC Comics. He first appeared in Tales of the Green Lantern Corps Annual #2 , and was created by Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neill...
chat briefly about Mon-El.
Lieutenant Nar arrives to get Kal for an emergency briefing. Thirteen criminals were brought to New Krypton from the Phantom Zone, and adapted to their powers faster than the other Kryptonians. They have been on the run, but they have a lead on one of them. Orders are to bring them in, but the Red Shard has been ordered to escort the Green Lanterns on their tour.
The Green Lanterns are surprised, and a little unsympathetic, to find that New Krypton is building a fleet of space ships. Tyr tells them that they are billed as a security deterrent, but Hal Jordan believes Zod is planning something. Kal cannot vouch for Zod, but he asks Hal to trust him.
Suddenly, an explosion occurs at the other end of the yard. A group of the criminals were meeting here, and when they were ambushed by the Military Guild, one of them ruptured a fuel line to cover the escape of all the others. There were no deaths, and no apparent leads. But Kal points out that the Kryptonians can hear someone flying away very fast. The chase is on.
The fugitive is identified as Val-Ty, alias Greyline, a notorious murderer who fought Tomar-Re
Tomar-Re is a fictional DC Comics character, and a member of the Green Lantern Corps. He debuted in Green Lantern #6 in a story written by John Broome with art by Gil Kane.-Fictional character biography:...
. They chase him into the scaffolding around one of the unfinished ships, where he steals welding equipment and uses it as an explosive. Nar takes the Red Shard around the other side and Kal and the Green Lanterns are to herd him there. However, Zod has his own plans - when Nar has him in custody, she is to execute him. Kal overhears her from the other side of the scaffolding, and asks her to ignore Zod's last order.
The plan is a success, and Greyline is taken into custody. The Green Lanterns prepare to take him back to Oa to be imprisoned for past crimes, but Zod arrives and points out that New Krypton has jurisdiction - and Oa has no extradition treaties with New Krypton. Hal is set to argue, but John Stewart
John Stewart (comics)
John Stewart is a fictional character, a comic book superhero published by DC Comics. He first appeared in Green Lantern vol. 2, #87 , and was created by Dennis O'Neil and Neal Adams.-Publication history:...
gets him to back off on the condition that Zod not execute Greyline, and the Green Lanterns go home to make their report.
That night, Greyline is behind a force field, already swearing revenge on Kal (who is surprised to see Zod kept his word) and the rest of the Military Guild. Zod is impressed at his skill, but he orders Kal and Nar to be taken into custody and charged with treason.
Issue 5
Imprisoned by General Zod for treason, Kal is visited by Dyn-Xe of the Artists Guild, who was appointed as his defence counsel for his trial.Dyn-Xe informed Kal that if found guilty of treason, the penalty is death by execution in the absence of the phantom zone for incarceration. Due to the Nova Day Celebration, all pending legal matters must also be resolved before the end of the holiday or the day after tomorrow.
Dyn-Xe’s defence strategy is to argue that because Zod has a history with the house of EL, prosecuting Kal is just another vendetta against the house of EL.
At the trial, Zod withdrew himself from prosecuting Kal but continued to prosecute Lieutenant Nar. She admitted to all charges and claimed she acted alone. However Kal argued for her and eventually inform the council that he stopped Nar from obeying Zod’s order. Zod dismissed all charges against Nar but ask the council to find Kal guilty of treason by his own admission.
Nar and Tyr-Van visited Kal at his cell and Tyr-Van installed a device to deactivate the red sun generator in his cell, which would allow him to escape. However, Kal does not escape and choose to accept his punishment.
Kal was found guilty by the council and denies that by disobeying Zod’s order, he was a traitor. Zod spoke up for Kal by pointing out that on Nova day, the religious guild has the power to grant absolution. Kal was eventually spared and freed.
As part of the Nova Day celebration, New Krypton planned to remove the dome covering their city with the successful regulation of the atmosphere. At the height of the celebration, Zod was shot by an assassin.
Issue 6
The assassin, Ral-Dar was captured by Kal, Kara and his team and interrogated. Ral-Dar revealed that his attempted assassination on Zod was done to save New Krypton.Zod’s injury was serious and the doctor has to put him in a stasis to prevent a cascading failure. The people of New Krypton were afraid that the attempted assassination of Zod is the start of an attack. Alura managed to clam the people down.
Kal headed back to interrogate Ral-Dar and discovered he managed to escape, apparently with some outside help was seen leaving for Earth.
Fearing an escalation of tension between Earth and New Krytpon, Kal decide to capture Ral-Dar with Kara.
Issue 7
While Superman returns to New Krypton with Ral-Dar’s body, a Interim Ruling Council session revealed that the weapon used in the assassination attempt on Zod was Earth-made, leading to the conclusion that there were traitors amongst the Kryptonians. Zod turned up at the meeting and appointed Kal-El as General and Commander of the New Krypton armies.Kal figured out that Tyr-Van was working for Zod and was instructed by Zod to allow Kal to escape when he was imprisoned for treason.
New Krypton is carrying out Operation: Callisto, a plan to disengage one of Jupiter’s moon to act as New Krypton’s moon. The plan was going as planned until they encountered a Thanagarian’s battle group. When the pilot ship guiding Callisto was destroyed, the explosion affected the sunstone crystal inserted into Callisto’s core and it is now out of control and heading for New Krypton.
Issue 8
The Thanagarian’s battle group, lead by Wing-Master Vetalla Dae’s gryfalcon was engaging the Kryptonian when it suffered a catastrophic hit. Kal, Nar and a few other Kryptonian beached the ship and managed to save the ship.Kal explained that New Krypton bears no hostility towards Thanagar and that he has ordered all Kryptonian forces withdrawn and asked to attend to the more urgent task of the out-of-control Callisto.
The Thanagarian assisted in the slowing down of Callisto by firing nth metal energy beams and hitting Callisto with targeted gravity wells, but it remained on a collision course with New Krypton. Kal managed to get all the people of New Krypton to nudge Callisto to its intended orbit.
Wing-Master Dae was directed by her government to open diplomatic channels between New Krypton and Thanagar. The Interim Council agrees but the session was interrupted by another alien named Jemm.
Issue 9
Jemm from Saturn started a fight in the council but eventually agreed to stop the fight and address the council. He chided the Kryptonian for their arrogance and feeling of entitlement and warned that they will be watching.The Labour Guild is having an epidemic with those working the farm details being infected with shakes.
Kal was visiting Zod who is making a slow recovery, when the received words that there is something wrong at councillor Mar-Li’s residence. Kal forced open the door to see Adam Strange standing over the body of the councillor.
Issue 10
Adam Strange explained to the Interim Council that he was not responsible for the councillor’s death as the operation of the Zeta Beam is not a precise transportation instrument. He also revealed that he comes to New Krypton to deliver a former protest due to their establishment of diplomatic accord with Thanagar.Kal convince the council to allow Adam Strange to leave if he proves his innocence by solving the murder of Councillor Mar-Li.
An examination of the room revealed that the killer has not left any presence behind. An examination of his body revealed traces of carbon casing for small explosive rounds, fired from a device used to help with terraforming. It was a tool used by the Labour Guild and Mar-Li was vocal opponent of admitting a labour guild member into the council.
Kal and Adam proceed to the Labour Guild to talk to Tam-Or, their unofficial spokesman where they came across another sick Labour guild member. Tam-Or run away from Kal with the help of the Labour Guild members. Adam pursued Tam-Or but he managed to escape.
Kal and Adam revealed their findings while Lieutenant Nar requested for permission to switch to orbital scanners as they have not being able to find Tam-Or. Kal is convinced that Tam-Or is not guilty as he wanted representation for the Labour Guild. Kal’s postulated that killing councillor Mar-Li may be an assassination attempt. Kal’s aunt Alura, another council member is seen target in a sniper’s scope.
Issue 11
As Alura discussed with her assistant, Lyra on the councillor’s death and the rite of selection for a new council member, Lyra was shot. After escorting Alura to safety, Kal’s team managed to recover the weapon that shoot Lyra, but the ease at which the weapon was discovered aroused Adam’s suspicion, There was genetic residues left on the rifle that match Tam-on, which suggested that he was the shooter that make an attempt on Alura’s life.Kal reported his findings to the council and it was suggested that Kal was not seriously pursing Tam-Or because his mother was also from the Labour Guild.
Kal visited Zod who told him that it is not difficult with Kryptonian technology for genetic material to be planted. He concluded that Tam-On is smart but not a tactician and could not be responsible for Mar-ali’s death or the attempt on Alura’s life.
Kal and Adam met Tyr-Van and convinced him to lead them to a military facility lined with lead and soundproofed. They found Tam-On and persuaded him to surrender. Councillor Zo and Commander Gor tracked Kal as there was some question about his loyalty.
Kal was informed that Zod has resumed active duty and that he has been demoted back to Commander. Kal, Tyr and Tam were hit with the Red Sun beam while Gor gave the command to fire the kinetics.
Issue 12
Adam managed to Zeta all of them out and back but he was not fast enough to stop Tam-Or from being hit by the kinetic bullets.Gor, Zo and Zod turned up at their location and Zod demoted Gor to Lancepsade for not following his orders of no lethal force. Zod request Adam Strange’s departure due to his sensitive position as a representative of Rann.
Kal told Zod that Tam was being manipulated and knew who was responsible but died before he could tell them.
Kal and Zod revealed the facts of the case and Kal concluded that Ral-Dar and Tam-Or were probably misled. Kal eventually figured that Councillor Wri-Qin was the mastermind. Kal visited Wri-Qin who revealed that Superwoman came on General Lane’s behalf and convinced them to weaken Krypton, so that Earth can achieve a quicker victory against Krypton.
It was Wri-Qin that had his co-conspirators killed so that he could have all the spoils to himself. Kal and his Red Shard team managed to capture Wri-Qin into custody.
Zod informed Kal that the council has granted the Labour Guild a seat on the council and that Tyr-Van has been named his representative. As Kal-El contemplated his contributions to Krypton, Zod commended him for being instrumental in changing the foundation of society. As they conversed, a Brainiac robot suddenly appears.
Collected Editions
- Superman: New Krypton Vol. 3 (144 pages, Collecting World of New Krypton #1-5)
- Superman: Codename Patriot (144 pages, Collecting Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen Special #2, Superman #691, Supergirl #44, Action Comics #880, Superman: World of New Krypton #6)
- Superman: New Krypton Vol. 4 (192 pages, Collecting World of New Krypton #6-12)