St Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Wingham
St Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Wingham is the main centre of the Wingham and Upper Manning Parish in the Presbyterian Church of Australia
Presbyterian Church of Australia
The Presbyterian Church of Australia is the largest Presbyterian denomination in Australia. .-Beginnings:...

 . The other centre is St Thomas' Presbyterian Church, Krambach .


St Andrew's is located on 3 acres (12,140.6 m²) triangular block formed by Moon Street, Gloucester Road, and Fotheringham Street in Wingham
Wingham, New South Wales
Wingham is a town in the Mid North Coast region of New South Wales, Australia in the City of Greater Taree north of Sydney. At the 2006 census, Wingham had a population of 4,812.- History :...

.. St. Andrew's is towards the apex at the corner of Moon Street and Gloucester Road,+Wingham,+New+South+Wales&sll=-25.335448,135.745076&sspn=49.127494,79.101563&ie=UTF8&ll=-31.871052,152.368569&spn=0.011553,0.027466&z=16&layer=c&cbll=-31.871685,152.366269&panoid=UzBr2o_x2lLplYDQwqH1Vw. The manse is located at the Fotheringham Street end of the block, but is not the home of the current minister.


The building dates is a yellow brick building from the 1970s and replaced the original wooden church built in 1856 in Canget Street, one block east of the Wingham Memorial Hall.

The site of the new church was donated to the parish many years before the new church was built for the purpose of providing a manse. The manse was built in 1898 and has since undergone several alterations.

Part of the funding for the new building was provided by a scheme subsidising the building of World War II
World War II
World War II, or the Second World War , was a global conflict lasting from 1939 to 1945, involving most of the world's nations—including all of the great powers—eventually forming two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis...

 memorials. There is a roll of honour in the porch.

The building itself includes a sanctuary with seating for 120 people, a vestry off to the right and the hall to the left. Inside the church an enclosed pulpit
Pulpit is a speakers' stand in a church. In many Christian churches, there are two speakers' stands at the front of the church. Typically, the one on the left is called the pulpit...

 is located to the left of the congregations view, and a lectern
A lectern is a reading desk with a slanted top, usually placed on a stand or affixed to some other form of support, on which documents or books are placed as support for reading aloud, as in a scripture reading, lecture, or sermon...

 on the right. Further right from the lectern is seating for a choir of 30. Directly behind the lectern is the baptismal font
Baptismal font
A baptismal font is an article of church furniture or a fixture used for the baptism of children and adults.-Aspersion and affusion fonts:...

. In the centre between the font and the organ is the Communion Table and seating for the minister and 8 elders. Behind the pulpit is a large chair for the preacher and the new organ. The original organ was donated by the former minister Rev. Philip Lucock
Philip Lucock
Philip Ernest Lucock, CBE was an English born Presbyterian minister and politician. Although he was born in England, he spent most of his life in Australia.-Early life:...

. At the very back of the church is a large stand on which flowers are placed and above that on the back wall is a large celtic cross
Celtic cross
A Celtic cross is a symbol that combines a cross with a ring surrounding the intersection. In the Celtic Christian world it was combined with the Christian cross and this design was often used for high crosses – a free-standing cross made of stone and often richly decorated...


Although the original plans included the Hall it was not expected that it would be built at the same time as the new church, but the parish decided that it could afford to do so. The original plans included only a small kitchen and did not include public facilities, which were added, but are located a long way from the body of the hall, and even further from the church itself.

Similar churches by the same architect are Port Macquarie Presbyterian Church, the Presbyterian Church at Rutherford, New South Wales, and a church at Leura
Leura, New South Wales
Leura is a suburb in the City of Blue Mountains Local Government Area 109 km west of Sydney in New South Wales, Australia. It is one of the series of small towns stretched along the Blue Mountains railway line and Great Western Highway that bisects the Blue Mountains National Park. It is...

 in the Blue Mountains.


The Wingham and Upper Manning Parish was established in 1883 by its division form the Taree
Taree, New South Wales
Taree is a city on the Mid North Coast, New South Wales, Australia. Taree and nearby Cundletown were settled in 1831 by William Wynter. Since then Taree has grown to a population of around 20,000 people and is the centre of a significant agricultural district. It is 16 km from the sea coast,...

 and Lower Manning Parish. At the time the parish formerly included congregations at Ashlea, Bo Bo, Bobin, Callighan's Creek, Cedar Party Creek, Cooplacurripa, Cucumbark, Kauthi, Krambach, Killawarra, Kimbriki, Kilibakh Creek, Glen Lewis, Giro, Nowendoc, No. 1, Wherral Flat, and Woodside (near Mt George). In the mid 1990’s a congregation at Comboyne joined the neighbouring parish of Wauchope
Wauchope, New South Wales
-People from Wauchope:* Iva Davies - Musician, Icehouse* Alison Langdon - Channel Nine News Reader - Today Show* Phil Jamieson - Musician, Grinspoon* Andrew Stoner - NSW National Party of Australia leader, Member for Oxley...



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