St. Thomas (SPG) Cathedral, Secunderabad
St. Thomas Cathedral is one of the oldest churches in the city of Secunderabad
Secunderabad popularly known as the twin city of Hyderabad is located in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh north of Hyderabad. Named after Sikandar Jah, the third Nizam of the Asaf Jahi dynasty, Secunderabad was founded in 1806 AD as a British cantonment...

, India. The church was built in the year 1852 by the British missionary society called the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. The church is a prominent structure situated in close proximity to Secunderabad Railway Station
Secunderabad Railway Station
Secunderabad Railway Station , also referred as Secunderabad Junction, is a major intercity rail station and a commuter rail hub in the Hyderabad Urban Area. It is located in the city of Secunderabad and falls under the South Central Railway zone of Indian Railways...

. Across the street from the church is the St. Thomas (SPG) Boys' High School
St. Thomas (SPG) Boys' High School
St. Thomas Boys' High School is one of many old schools in the city of Secunderabad in Andhra Pradesh, India. The school is a few minutes' walk from the Secunderabad railway station....

 which is run by the church. The Girls High School is further down the road.


The church was built in 1852. The church possessed extensive lands much of which were bought by the British
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...

 government of Secunderabad
Secunderabad popularly known as the twin city of Hyderabad is located in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh north of Hyderabad. Named after Sikandar Jah, the third Nizam of the Asaf Jahi dynasty, Secunderabad was founded in 1806 AD as a British cantonment...

 in order to build the existing Secunderabad Railway Station
Secunderabad Railway Station
Secunderabad Railway Station , also referred as Secunderabad Junction, is a major intercity rail station and a commuter rail hub in the Hyderabad Urban Area. It is located in the city of Secunderabad and falls under the South Central Railway zone of Indian Railways...

. The church now serves a predominantly Tamil congregation.


The church is built in the Gothic Revival style that was popular during the Victorian era. However the exterior of the church is simple with the bell tower abutting the Altar. The layout of the church is a cruciform with a nave and two transepts. The altarpiece of the church is a beautiful stained glass window depicting Christ the Good Shepherd.

Worship Services

  • Holy Communion with Choir - 8:00 AM
  • Evensong - 6:00pm (6:30pm during summer)

First Thursday of the month:
  • Holy Communion - 7:00AM

See also

  • List of churches in Secunderabad and Hyderabad
  • Wesley Church, Secunderabad
  • St. John's Church, Secunderabad
    St. John's Church, Secunderabad
    The Church of St. John the Baptist was consecrated and dedicated in 1813. It is the oldest church in the twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad. Popularly known simply as St. John’s, the church initially served the spiritual needs of the British Forces stationed at Lancer’s Line, Secunderabad...

  • St. Mary's Church, Secunderabad
    St. Mary's Church, Secunderabad
    St. Mary's Church is the oldest Roman Catholic church in the city of Secunderabad, India. It was formerly the Cathedral of the Archdiocese of Hyderabad. It is dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Adjacent to the church is the convent of St. Ann's which runs the locally famous St. Ann's High...

  • Secunderabad
    Secunderabad popularly known as the twin city of Hyderabad is located in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh north of Hyderabad. Named after Sikandar Jah, the third Nizam of the Asaf Jahi dynasty, Secunderabad was founded in 1806 AD as a British cantonment...

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