SpongeBob SquarePants: Original Theme Highlights
SpongeBob SquarePants: Original Theme Highlights is a collection of songs played on the Nickelodeon
Nickelodeon (TV channel)
Nickelodeon, often simply called Nick and originally named Pinwheel, is an American children's channel owned by MTV Networks, a subsidiary of Viacom International. The channel is primarily aimed at children ages 7–17, with the exception of their weekday morning program block aimed at preschoolers...

 TV series SpongeBob SquarePants
SpongeBob SquarePants
SpongeBob SquarePants is an American animated television series, created by marine biologist and animator Stephen Hillenburg. Much of the series centers on the exploits and adventures of the title character and his various friends in the underwater city of "Bikini Bottom"...

. It includes tracks sung by the cartoon's characters: SpongeBob SquarePants
SpongeBob SquarePants (character)
SpongeBob SquarePants is a main fictional character in the animated television series SpongeBob SquarePants. He is voiced by Tom Kenny and first appeared on television in the series' pilot episode "Help Wanted" on May 1, 1999. SpongeBob was created and designed by cartoonist Stephen Hillenburg...

, Sandy Cheeks
Sandy Cheeks
Sandra Olivia "Sandy" Cheeks is a character in the series SpongeBob SquarePants and is voiced by Carolyn Lawrence. She is a squirrel native to Texas, and the fact of her being a land animal is often pointed out. She is friends with Patrick, Squidward, and SpongeBob.-Personality:Sandy is SpongeBob &...

, Patrick Star
Patrick Star
Patrick Star is the deuteragonist of the Nickelodeon animated comedy series SpongeBob SquarePants, created by creator Stephen Hillenburg and voiced by Bill Fagerbakke. Patrick's most significant character trait is his lack of common sense, which sometimes makes him a negative influence on his best...

, Squidward Tentacles
Squidward Tentacles
Squidward Quincy Tentacles is a fictional character on the television cartoon series SpongeBob SquarePants. He is voiced by Rodger Bumpass. The character is an octopus, as his name would not imply Squidward appears in 270 episodes of the series, second only to Spongebob's 305.-Personality:Unlike...

 and Plankton
Plankton (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Sheldon Jim Plankton, Jr., or simply Plankton, is a fictional character on the American television cartoon series SpongeBob SquarePants. He is voiced by Mr. Lawrence. The character is also in video games and other media based on the series...

. Its total running time is 9 minutes and 9 seconds, spanning seven tracks.

The track "Prehibernation" is an edited version of "Death Rattle" which was featured on Pantera
Pantera was an American heavy metal band from Arlington, Texas. Formed by the Abbott brothers, Vinnie Paul and Dimebag Darrell in 1981, bassist Rex Brown would join in late 1981 with vocalist Terry Glaze. Looking for a new and heavier sound, Pantera had Terry replaced in 1987 with Phil Anselmo as...

's final album, Reinventing the Steel
Reinventing the Steel
-Credits:*Phil Anselmo – lead vocals*Dimebag Darrell – guitar, backing vocals*Rex Brown – bass, backing vocals*Vinnie Paul – drums*Produced, Engineered, & Mixed by Sterling Winfield, Dimebag Darrell, and Vinnie Paul....


Track listing

  1. SpongeBob SquarePants Theme – Painty The Pirate and Kids
  2. Loop de Loop – Ween
    Ween is an American alternative rock group. They formed in 1984 in New Hope, Pennsylvania when central members Aaron Freeman and Mickey Melchiondo met in an eighth grade typing class. Ween has a large cult underground fanbase despite being generally unknown in American pop music...

  3. Texas Song – Junior Brown
    Junior Brown
    Jamieson "Junior" Brown is an American country guitarist and singer. He has released nine studio albums in his career, and has charted twice on the Billboard country singles charts. Brown's signature instrument is the "guit-steel" double neck guitar, a hybrid of electric guitar and lap steel...

     & Sandy Cheeks
    Sandy Cheeks
    Sandra Olivia "Sandy" Cheeks is a character in the series SpongeBob SquarePants and is voiced by Carolyn Lawrence. She is a squirrel native to Texas, and the fact of her being a land animal is often pointed out. She is friends with Patrick, Squidward, and SpongeBob.-Personality:Sandy is SpongeBob &...

  4. Prehibernation (Instrumental) – Pantera
    Pantera was an American heavy metal band from Arlington, Texas. Formed by the Abbott brothers, Vinnie Paul and Dimebag Darrell in 1981, bassist Rex Brown would join in late 1981 with vocalist Terry Glaze. Looking for a new and heavier sound, Pantera had Terry replaced in 1987 with Phil Anselmo as...

  5. Ripped Pants – SpongeBob
    SpongeBob SquarePants (character)
    SpongeBob SquarePants is a main fictional character in the animated television series SpongeBob SquarePants. He is voiced by Tom Kenny and first appeared on television in the series' pilot episode "Help Wanted" on May 1, 1999. SpongeBob was created and designed by cartoonist Stephen Hillenburg...

     & The Losers
  6. F.U.N. Song – SpongeBob
    SpongeBob SquarePants (character)
    SpongeBob SquarePants is a main fictional character in the animated television series SpongeBob SquarePants. He is voiced by Tom Kenny and first appeared on television in the series' pilot episode "Help Wanted" on May 1, 1999. SpongeBob was created and designed by cartoonist Stephen Hillenburg...

     & Plankton
    Plankton (SpongeBob SquarePants)
    Sheldon Jim Plankton, Jr., or simply Plankton, is a fictional character on the American television cartoon series SpongeBob SquarePants. He is voiced by Mr. Lawrence. The character is also in video games and other media based on the series...

  7. SpongeBob Scaredy Pants – The Ghastly Ones
    Ghastly Ones
    The Ghastly Ones are a surf–garage rock band from Van Nuys, California with a late-night monster movie theme.-History:They infused their love of Halloween records, late night monster movies and Screaming Lord Sutch with inspiration from early sixties surf and hot rod acts like The Lively Ones,...

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