Spartanburg County Sheriff's Office (South Carolina)
Uniform Patrol
Spartanburg County Sheriff's Office Uniform Patrol Division consist of more than 100 Deputies. The Uniform Patrol Division is divided into four platoons:- Alpha
- Bravo
- Charlie
- Delta.
Deputies work a 12 hour shift. Alpha and Bravo Platoons work day shift from 7 am to 7 pm, while Charlie and Delta Platoon work night shift from 7 pm to 7 am.
For operational purposes, the Sheriff's Office has divided Spartanburg County into four policing regions. For quicker response those regions have been divided into zones. While each region and zone has enforcement challenges unique to itself, all of Spartanburg County continues to experience rapid growth that requires the agency to continually re-evaluate its policies, procedures, and the way it does business.
Special Services
The Special Services division includes:- Traffic
- SWAT Team
- DUI Team
- Aviation
- Dive Team
- Bomb Unit
- Court Detail
- Warrants Office
- Crime Prevention
- School Resource Officers
- ICE - Interstate Criminal Enforcement
- COBRA - Chemical, Ordinance, Biological,& Radiological