Encyclopedia is a popular online news site for space industry
Space industry
Space industry refers to economic activities related to manufacturing components that go into Earth's orbit or beyond, delivering them to those regions, and related services. Owing to the prominence of the satellite-related activities, some sources use the term satellite industry interchangeably...


History was founded in 1995 in Tokyo by Simon Mansfield with an initial focus on Japanese space news and planetary image archives. In 1997 the website grew to include global space coverage building from military space issues to general industry. Established with an international perspective from its earliest days, has grown into a database of over 100,000 articles

SpaceDaily today

SpaceDaily today is a network of inter related sites covering the earth sciences, energy technologies, military technologies and disaster news. A variety of newsletters, xml feeds, and online theme pages are made available to users free of charge.

Management and employees

Simon Mansfield is the publisher and editor in chief of He is assisted by three full time employees who provide editorial support in Australia and IT support in the US.
The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.