Portugal 1111: A Conquista de Soure
Portugal 1111: A Conquista de Soure ("Portugal 1111: Soure's Conquest") is a real-time strategy
Real-time strategy
Real-time strategy is a sub-genre of strategy video game which does not progress incrementally in turns. Brett Sperry is credited with coining the term to market Dune II....

 game developed by Ciberbit
Ciberbit, Produções de Software S.A. is a Portuguese software and multimedia developer based in Coimbra. It developed the CBRetail Software, a powerful tool aimed at people in the area of commerce or retail...

, a Portuguese multimedia company, in partnership with the Municipality of Soure and historians from the University of Coimbra. The game depicts the historical events of the Portuguese Reconquista
The Reconquista was a period of almost 800 years in the Middle Ages during which several Christian kingdoms succeeded in retaking the Muslim-controlled areas of the Iberian Peninsula broadly known as Al-Andalus...

, when the Christians fought against Moorish invaders.

It was the first commercial video game completely produced and designed in Portugal.

The game, a historic real-time strategy game similar to Microsoft's Age of Empires, was published by the Portuguese magazine Visão
Impresa is a Portuguese media conglomerate, headquartered in Paço de Arcos, in Oeiras municipality. It is the owner of SIC TV channel, and Expresso newspaper, among other leading media, like several magazine publications...

, and was released in 2004.

External links

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