Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf: The Tiger Prowess
Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf: The Tiger Prowess , is a 2010 Chinese animated film based on the popular Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf
Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf
Happy Lamb and Grey Wolf or Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf is a Chinese animated television series which was created by Huang Weiming, Lin Yuting and Luo Yinggeng, and produced by Creative Power Entertaining...

TV series. It was released on January 29, 2010.


Crafty Gecko and General Tiger attack the Goat Village with plans to build an amusement park. Even worse, they intend to turn the castle of Grey Wolf and his wife into a public toilet! To save their captured families from the fierce animal gang and robot soldiers, Pleasant Goat and Grey Wolf must work together to find the legendary statues that protected their ancestors. Can they beat the villains and become friends?


  • Zǔ Lìqíng - Pleasant Goat
  • Dèng Yùtíng - Pretty Goat
  • Liáng Yǐng - Lazy Goat/ Little Grey
  • Liú Hóngyùn - Fit Goat
  • Gāo Quánshèng - Slow Goat
  • Zhāng Lín
    Zhang Lin
    Zhang Lin is a cyber-dissident from the People's Republic of China. He led student's hunger strikes in Bengbu in 1989. He was imprisoned on January 29 of 2005. He now is imprisoned in Bengbu’s No. 1 Detention Center....

     - Grey Wolf
  • Fàn Bīngbīng - Red Wolf
  • Dèng Yùtíng - Warm Goat
  • Li Tuán - Soft Goat
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