Nothing new since Rock 'n' Roll
Nothing New Since Rock 'n' Roll is the first full-length album by UK
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...

 pop punk
Pop punk
Pop punk is a fusion music genre that combines elements of punk rock with pop music, to varying degrees. Allmusic describes the genre as a strand of alternative rock, which typically merges pop melodies with speedy punk tempos, chord changes and loud guitars...

 band The Fight. It was released in 2004.

Track listing

  1. "Can't be bothered" (Turley, Turley) - 2:46
  2. "Karaoke star" (Nott/Turley, Turley) - 3:09
  3. "Moved on" (Turley, Turley) - 2:59
  4. "Sid and Nancy" (Turley, Turley) - 1:52
  5. "Forgotten Generation" (Mich Walker) - 2:25
  6. "JB's" (Turley, Turley) - 3:13
  7. "No more legend" (Turley, Turley) - 4:07
  8. "Mommy's little soldier" (Turley, Turley) - 2:22
  9. "Housewreck" (Turley, Turley) - 2:59
  10. "Stage skool kidz" (Turley, Turley) - 2:57
  11. "Don't tell me" (Nott/Turley, Turley) - 2:46
  12. "Revolution calling" (Turley, Turley) - 3:14
  13. "Shut up yourself" (Turley, Turley) - 3:06
  14. "Johnny can't hackett" (Turley, Turley) - 3:293
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