Nina's Little Fables
Nina's Little Fables is a 10-minute TV show aired during The Good Night Show on PBS Kids Sprout
PBS Kids Sprout is a U.S. digital cable television channel, video-on-demand service, and website providing PBS Kids shows and original programming for preschoolers and their families...

, starring Michele Lepe
Michele Lepe
Michele Lepe , is a Hispanic actress who spent her early childhood in England and grew up in San Antonio, Texas. She became the new permanent host of PBS KIDS Sprout's The Good Night Show playing the role of "Nina" the Goodnight Guide....

 as Nina. The show premiered on June 28, 2010 and features fable
A fable is a succinct fictional story, in prose or verse, that features animals, mythical creatures, plants, inanimate objects or forces of nature which are anthropomorphized , and that illustrates a moral lesson , which may at the end be expressed explicitly in a pithy maxim.A fable differs from...

s, notably from Aesop's Fables
Aesop's Fables
Aesop's Fables or the Aesopica are a collection of fables credited to Aesop, a slave and story-teller believed to have lived in ancient Greece between 620 and 560 BCE. The fables remain a popular choice for moral education of children today...


External links

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