Max Brand: The Man and His Work
Max Brand: The Man and His Work is a bibliography of works by American
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...

 author Frederick Faust, who wrote under the pen name Max Brand. The bibliography was compiled by Darrell C. Richardson
Darrell C. Richardson
Dr. Darrell Coleman Richardson was an American Baptist minister, bibliographer and author of 44 books. He served as Director of the National Fantasy Fan Federation and was involved in the Cincinnati Fantasy Group and the Memphis Science Fiction Association. Richardson was a noted authority on...

. It was published by Fantasy Publishing Company, Inc.
Fantasy Publishing Company, Inc.
Fantasy Publishing Company, Inc., or FPCI, was a science fiction and fantasy small press specialty publishing company established in 1946. It was the fourth small press company founded by William L...

 in 1952
1952 in literature
The year 1952, in literature involved some significant events and new literary publications.-Events:*J. L. Carr takes over as headmaster of Highfields Primary School, Kettering, which will eventually furnish the subject matter for his novel, The Harpole Report.*November 25 - Agatha Christie's play...

in an edition of 900 copies. The book is enlarged form Richardson's previous The Fabulous Faust Fanzine.
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