Manning O'Brine
Padraig Manning O'Brine was an Irish
Ireland is an island to the northwest of continental Europe. It is the third-largest island in Europe and the twentieth-largest island on Earth...

 thriller writer and television screenplay writer.

Throughout his writing career, all of his novels have concerned fictional secret agents, and his works could therefore be considered spy fiction
Spy fiction
Spy fiction, literature concerning the forms of espionage, was a sub-genre derived from the novel during the nineteenth century, which then evolved into a discrete genre before the First World War , when governments established modern intelligence agencies in the early twentieth century...


He began with a series of about eight books about Michael the O'Kelly. He then wrote three books that were more realistic in nature than the O'Kelly books and received a certain amount of critical praise. These books are: Crambo, Mills, and No Earth for Foxes. There are a number of common characters in each of these books, such as Pavane and Crambo, but often the most important is Mills
Mills (fictional agent)
Mills is a fictional British secret agent created by Manning O'Brine in the late 1960s. He played roles of varying importance in three novels, Crambo, Mills, and No Earth for Foxes. He is obsessed with tracking down and killing Nazi war criminals, as apparently O'Brine himself was...

, who is obsessed, as apparently O'Brine himself was, with tracking down and killing Nazi war criminals.

According to the backover blurb for the 1976 American paperback edition of No Earth for Foxes says that O'Brine was a former British secret agent who killed his first Nazi in Heidelberg in 1937 and his last one in Madagascar in 1950.
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