Little Hawk (Crazy Horse's brother)
Little Hawk is the younger half brother of the famous Oglala warrior Crazy Horse
Crazy Horse
Crazy Horse was a Native American war leader of the Oglala Lakota. He took up arms against the U.S...

 (1838/1842-1877). He was the offspring of the remarriage of Worm, Crazy Horse's widowed father, to a pair of sisters of the Brulé
The Brulé are one of the seven branches or bands of the Teton Lakota Sioux American Indian nation. They are known as Sičháŋǧu Oyáte , or "Burnt Thighs Nation," and so, were called Brulé by the French...

 Lakota chief Spotted Tail
Spotted Tail
Siŋté Glešká was a Brulé Lakota tribal chief. Although a great warrior in his youth, and having taken part in the Grattan massacre, he declined to participate in Red Cloud's War, having become convinced of the pointlessness of opposing the white incursions into his homeland; he became a...

, Iron Between Horns and Kills Enemy.

The name Little Hawk was given by Crazy Horse's uncle Little Hawk
Little Hawk
Little Hawk , , Oglala Lakota War Chief and a half brother of Worm, father of Crazy Horse . In the Lakota extended family scheme, Crazy Horse was thus a son of Little Hawk....

, who then took the name Long Face. Crazy Horse's half-brother, Little Hawk, was killed in 1871, on a war expedition south of the Platte River
Platte River
The Platte River is a major river in the state of Nebraska and is about long. Measured to its farthest source via its tributary the North Platte River, it flows for over . The Platte River is a tributary of the Missouri River, which in turn is a tributary of the Mississippi River which flows to...

. His uncle abandoned his name Long Face and took back the name Little Hawk
Little Hawk
Little Hawk , , Oglala Lakota War Chief and a half brother of Worm, father of Crazy Horse . In the Lakota extended family scheme, Crazy Horse was thus a son of Little Hawk....

again. Tribal elders were said to have believed that Crazy Horse's half-brother would have been a greater man than his brother, had he had lived, suggesting that the namesake Little Hawk was held in high esteem among the Oglala for his abilities.
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