Limba Română
Limba Română is a magazine from the Republic of Moldova founded in 1991 by Ion Dumeniuc
Ion Dumeniuc
Ion Dumeniuc was a scientist, editor, and politician from the Republic of Moldova. He was the founder of the Limba Română magazine.-Biography:...



Alexandru Bantoş
Alexandru Bantoş
Alexandru Bantoş is a writer and journalist from the Republic of Moldova. He is the editor in chief of Limba Română-Biography:...

 has been the editor in chief since 1992. Leo Bordeianu was a secretary-general (1991-2002). The magazine is sponsored by the Romanian Cultural Institute
Romanian Cultural Institute
The Romanian Cultural Institute is a state-funded institution that promotes Romanian culture and civilization in Romania and abroad. The ICR was formerly set up through reorganization of the Romanian Cultural Foundation and Romanian Cultural Publishing Foundation...


External links

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