Kärna Ärni
Kärna Ärni was a well-known fictional character, first (since 1964) voiced for radio, later played on TV, by Sulev Nõmmik
Sulev Nõmmik
Sulev Nõmmik was an Estonian theatre and movie director, actor, humorist and comedian. He's mostly associated with the comical character of Kärna Ärni and the related fictional village of Uduvere , but he was also influential in writing scripts for several well-known movies, including Mehed ei...

, and one of the best-known roles of Nõmmik.

The character was presented as a villager of the fictional Uduvere
Uduvere is a village in Kaarma Parish, Saare County, on the island of Saaremaa, Estonia.A village named Uduvere was the home for a fictional character Kärna Ärni portreyed by Sulev Nõmmik....

 (translatable as Foggyville) village, commenting upon current events and politics. His characteristic accent, possibly influenced by an earlier comparable character, Kihva Värdi
Kihva Värdi
Kihva Värdi, supposedly born Ferdinand Kihv, was a well-known Estonian fictional character developed by Riho Lahi. Kihva Värdi has been cited as a possible inspiration for the later fictional character of similar genre, Kärna Ärni....

, and several catchphrases are still widely recognised among Estonian people.

The character was a partial reason for popularity of the radio show Tere hommikust, põllumehed! (Estonian
Estonian language
Estonian is the official language of Estonia, spoken by about 1.1 million people in Estonia and tens of thousands in various émigré communities...

 for Good morning, farmers!).

External links

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