King's College, Warrnambool
King's College, Warrnambool, is an Independent school. The Independent Christian school located in Warrnambool, Victoria, Australia.
It was founded in 1986 and is owned by the Presbyterian Church of Victoria. Every year the year eights have an interschool competition with Heathdale Christian College.
The School Mission.
To prepare well-equipped children and young men and women for a fruitful life by enabling them to strive for academic excellence, high integrity and strong character; To challenge young to know Jesus Christ as Lord, to love others as themselves, and to grow in knowledge and skill, so they may serve the world through their character and leadership; and To present a living education that develops vigorous minds and bodies, and a self-disciplined spirit, integrated in a Christian view of life and the world.
King's College, Warrnambool, is an Independent school. The Independent Christian school located in Warrnambool, Victoria, Australia.
It was founded in 1986 and is owned by the Presbyterian Church of Victoria. Every year the year eights have an interschool competition with Heathdale Christian College.
The School Mission.
To prepare well-equipped children and young men and women for a fruitful life by enabling them to strive for academic excellence, high integrity and strong character; To challenge young to know Jesus Christ as Lord, to love others as themselves, and to grow in knowledge and skill, so they may serve the world through their character and leadership; and To present a living education that develops vigorous minds and bodies, and a self-disciplined spirit, integrated in a Christian view of life and the world.