Johannes Mötsch
Johannes Mötsch studied HistoryHistory
History is the discovery, collection, organization, and presentation of information about past events. History can also mean the period of time after writing was invented. Scholars who write about history are called historians...
and Latin Philology
Philology is the study of language in written historical sources; it is a combination of literary studies, history and linguistics.Classical philology is the philology of Greek and Classical Latin...
from 1970 to 1978 at the Universität Bonn and graduated in 1979. In 1978 he started, as trainee teacher, the preliminary office at the Landeshauptarchiv Koblenz and attended the Archivschule Marburg until 1980. Until 1993 he worked at the Landeshauptarchiv Koblenz and taught in 1989 at the Marburger Archivschule. In 1993 he went to the thuringian Hauptstaatsarchiv Weimar
Weimar is a city in Germany famous for its cultural heritage. It is located in the federal state of Thuringia , north of the Thüringer Wald, east of Erfurt, and southwest of Halle and Leipzig. Its current population is approximately 65,000. The oldest record of the city dates from the year 899...
, where he worked until 1997. In the same year he overtook as archive director the management of the Thüringisches Staatsarchiv in Meiningen
Meiningen is a town in Germany - located in the southern part of the state of Thuringia and is the district seat of Schmalkalden-Meiningen. It is situated on the river Werra....
He is a member of the Historische Kommission für Thüringen.
Works (selection)
- Balduin von Luxemburg. Erzbischof von Trier — Kurfürst des Reiches 1285-1354. Festschrift aus Anlaß des 700. Geburtsjahres, hrsg. von Franz-Josef Heyen und Johannes Mötsch (Quellen und Abhandlungen zur mittelrheinischen Kirchengeschichte 53), Mainz 1985
- Regesten des Archivs der Grafen von Sponheim 1065-1437, Teil 1-5, bearbeitet von Johannes Mötsch, Landesarchivverwaltung Rheinland - Pfalz, 1987–1991
- Geschichtlicher Atlas der Rheinlande, Beiheft V/4: Die Grafschaften Sponheim, von Johannes Mötsch, Köln: Rheinland-Verlag, 1992
- Die ältesten Lehnsbücher der Grafen von Henneberg, bearbeitet von Johannes Mötsch und Katharina Witter, Weimar: Böhlau, 1996 - ISBN 3-7400-1013-4
- Fuldische Frauenklöster in Thüringen : Regesten zur Geschichte der Klöster Allendorf, Kapellendorf und Zella, Rhön, bearb. und eingel. von Johannes Mötsch, München u.a.: Urban und Fischer, 1999 - ISBN 3-437-31126-3
- Die Wallfahrt zu Grimmenthal : Urkunden, Rechnungen, Mirakelbuch, herausgegeben von Johannes Mötsch, Köln u.a.: Böhlau, 2004 - ISBN 3-412-14004-X
- Regesten des Archivs der Grafen von Henneberg-Römhild, Teilbände 1 und 2, herausgegeben von Johannes Mötsch, Köln u.a.: Böhlau, 2006 - ISBN 978-3-412-35905-8
External links
Literature by and about Johannes Mötsch at the catalog of the German National LibraryGerman National Library
The German National Library is the central archival library and national bibliographic centre for the Federal Republic of Germany...