Jacques d'Étampes de Valençay
Jacques d'Étampes de Valençay (b c. 1585, Château de Valençay
Château de Valençay
Château de Valençay is a residence of the d'Estampes and Talleyrand-Périgord families in the commune of Valençay, the Indre département of France. Although geographically it is part of the province of Berry, its architecture invites comparison with the Renaissance châteaux of the Loire Valley,...

 - d ? ) held the French honorific titles Lord of Valençay and Grand Marshal of the Dwelling House of the King. d'Étampes de Valençay was Governor of Calais
Calais is a town in Northern France in the department of Pas-de-Calais, of which it is a sub-prefecture. Although Calais is by far the largest city in Pas-de-Calais, the department's capital is its third-largest city of Arras....

, and made a Knight of the Holy Spirit in 1619.
He was the son of Jacques d'Étampes de Valençay, and brother of Léonore d'Étampes de Valençay
Léonore d'Étampes de Valençay
Léonore d'Étampes de Valençay was Bishop of Chartres from June 1620 to November 1641, and Archbishop of Reims from 1641 until his death in 1651....

, Achille d'Étampes de Valençay
Achille d'Étampes de Valençay
Achille d'Étampes de Valençay was a Knight of Malta.He was the brother of Jacques d'Étampes de Valençay, Léonore d'Étampes de Valençay, and Jean d'Étampes de Valençay.- References :...

, and Jean d'Étampes de Valençay.
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