Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer in Deutschland
The Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer in Deutschland e.V. [Institute of Public Auditors in Germany, Incorporated Association - IDW] is a privately run organisation established to serve the interests of its members who comprise both individual Wirtschaftsprüfer [German Public Auditors] and Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaften [German Public Audit firms]. The IDW was established on a voluntary basis rather than having been established under German law. In accordance with its Articles of Incorporation, the IDW does not operate as a commercial business and is a not-for-profit organisation. Membership as of 31 December 2009 was 12,979 full members, of whom: 11.959 are Wirtschaftsprüfer (87% of all Wirtschaftsprüfer) and 1.020 are Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaften.


In accordance with its bylaws, the IDW's task is to foster the technical domains of the Wirtschaftsprüfer and to represent the interests of the profession of Wirtschaftsprüfer. The IDW fulfils this task both nationally and internationally using its highly competent technical resources. The requisite technical knowledge is gained through collaboration within the various committees and permanent and ad-hoc IDW working parties which work together with technical staff at the IDW’s headquarters in Düsseldorf
Düsseldorf is the capital city of the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia and centre of the Rhine-Ruhr metropolitan region.Düsseldorf is an important international business and financial centre and renowned for its fashion and trade fairs. Located centrally within the European Megalopolis, the...


The IDW’s role is to:
  • Represent the professional interests of its members at both national and international levels
  • Undertake technical work relevant to the fields in which its members are active
  • Provide training courses and support for trainee Wirtschaftsprüfer and continuing professional development for qualified Wirtschaftsprüfer
  • Provide support to members on technical issues in their day-to-day work

Technical work

The IDW’s technical work is mainly apparent in:
  • various statements in the form of IDW expert opinions, IDW auditing standards and IDW opinions on accounting, IDW standards, information and working aids
  • submission of comments on draft statutes, regulations, position papers and technical standards at both national and international levels
  • expert opinions provided in response to members’ questions involving accounting and auditing and advice on taxation and management.

The results of IDW’s technical work are also relevant for the following:
  • membership of committees in various organisations Fédération des Experts Comptables Européens (FEE), International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), and others
  • political contacts on issues affecting the profession, above all through IDW offices in Berlin
    Berlin is the capital city of Germany and is one of the 16 states of Germany. With a population of 3.45 million people, Berlin is Germany's largest city. It is the second most populous city proper and the seventh most populous urban area in the European Union...

     and Brussels
    Brussels , officially the Brussels Region or Brussels-Capital Region , is the capital of Belgium and the de facto capital of the European Union...

  • achieving a broader public awareness of the profession and positioning the profession in announcements to the press.

Services offered

The IDW offers its members:
  • representation of the profession's interests in politics, government and other institutions, both nationally and internationally
  • development of technical rules for exercising the profession to assure uniform high quality
  • technical support for the daily work of members through an enquiry service
  • a programme of education and advanced professional training aligned to the prevailing requirements, including support for Professional Examination candidates
  • an Information Centre for research into literature and other services.

For a fee, non-members may take part in various training and advanced professional training courses and make use of selected services offered by the Information Centre.

External links

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