In the Midnight Hour (Grey's Anatomy)
"In the Midnight Hour" is the ninth episode of the fifth season of the ABC
American Broadcasting Company
The American Broadcasting Company is an American commercial broadcasting television network. Created in 1943 from the former NBC Blue radio network, ABC is owned by The Walt Disney Company and is part of Disney-ABC Television Group. Its first broadcast on television was in 1948...

 series, Grey's Anatomy
Grey's Anatomy
Grey's Anatomy is an American medical drama television series created by Shonda Rhimes. The series premiered on March 27, 2005 on ABC; since then, seven seasons have aired. The series follows the lives of interns, residents and their mentors in the fictional Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital in...

. It aired on November 20, 2008.


Sadie asks Meredith what she thinks about her sister, Lexie, being her "intern BFF". Meredith cannot see it happening.

Sadie joins the rest of interns who have just given one of Cristina's interns an epidural. Lexie suggests that they take out the intern's appendix after she is criticized by Sadie. The intern objects to being operated on, so Sadie volunteers herself.

Izzie tries to convince herself that Denny isn't real, however to disprove this, he makes love to her. Meredith overhears the lovemaking and thinks Izzie is with Alex but then she sees Alex in the hall. She panics momentarily and calls Derek's name out only to have him be right down the hall. Alex offers to join Izzie, but she says she does not feel well.

A patient knocks Callie on the floor and breaks her nose. She complains about her bad luck to Mark and he says he'll still be the friend that sleeps with her, that is, after her nose heals up.

Lexie has second thoughts about her actions as she gets ready to cut Sadie. But Sadie makes the first incision on herself. Her appendix gets inflamed and one of the interns says they should call a resident, but Sadie refuses.

Surgery on Sadie goes awry and all the interns leave and Lexie is left to beg Meredith for her assistance. She and Cristina are shocked to see Sadie open on the table in the outpatient room. The interns think she is dying.

Cristina and Meredith take over, but send for Miranda. When George hears about it, he asks Lexie why she didn't come to him for help. She tells him it is not about him and that she was not trying to get him to notice her. After she walks away, an intern tells George that Lexie is obviously in love with him.

Richard praises Cristina and Meredith for saving Sadie's life. Lexie tells them it was all her fault and that Cristina had told her to "shut it down" already but she didn't listen. Meredith is mad that Cristina knew what the interns were doing and didn't tell her. An argument ensues. Meredith tells all the interns that they are on probation. Meredith later lectures Sadie on her reckless behavior.

Owen shows up at Cristina's doorstep and tells her that he thinks she is beautiful.

Izzie tells Alex that she is a mess. He tells her that he can handle the mess and that he's not going anywhere. Izzie tells Denny that she is sorry.

Title reference

This episode's title refers to the song and album In the Midnight Hour
In the Midnight Hour
"In the Midnight Hour" is a song originally performed by Wilson Pickett in 1965 and released on the 1966 album The Exciting Wilson Pickett. It was composed by Pickett and Steve Cropper at the historic Lorraine Motel in Memphis where Martin Luther King, Jr. would later be murdered in April 1968...

by Wilson Pickett
Wilson Pickett
Wilson Pickett was an American R&B/Soul singer and songwriter.A major figure in the development of American soul music, Pickett recorded over 50 songs which made the US R&B charts, and frequently crossed over to the US Billboard Hot 100...


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