Holland's Next Top Model, Cycle 2
Holland's Next Top Model
Holland's Next Top Model
Holland's Next Top Model is a Dutch reality television show hosted by writer and former model Daphne Deckers, who also serves as the lead judge...

(retroactively Holland's Next Top Model Cycle 2) features a dynamic reality show format - in that the viewers not only witness an intense competition to find a top model but also the impact of the competition on and day-to-day lives of a diverse group of contestants.

The Models Go Topless

  • Original airdate: March 12, 2007

The season premiere starts of with auditions. And the pool of girls is reduced to 12. As the girls have a busy week they move into a penthouse in Amsterdam and do a topless jeans photo shoot for Vero Moda.

During elimination Yfke and the panel question Gioia's potential. She ends up into the bottom two with Sabrina, who did not shine at the photo shoot. Gioia is sent home.
  • Bottom two: Gioia de Bruijn & Sabrina van der Donk
  • Eliminated: Gioia de Bruijn

The Models Became Marilyn Monroe

  • Original airdate: March 19, 2007

In this episode the girls get fashion awareness training with Bastiaan van Schaijk and Angelique Westerhog of the Mercedes Dutch Fashion Foundation. They learn the girls everything about designers, the girls has to dress in their own inspire in the style of a few designers and in the end Sandra won the reward.

After that, the girls get their big make-over, the twins both got a hippie
The hippie subculture was originally a youth movement that arose in the United States during the mid-1960s and spread to other countries around the world. The etymology of the term 'hippie' is from hipster, and was initially used to describe beatniks who had moved into San Francisco's...

-inspired look and another girl got short red hair. Sandra wasn't glad about the idea of getting her punk-inspired look
Punk fashion
Punk fashion is the clothing, hairstyles, cosmetics, jewelry, and body modifications of the punk subculture. Punk fashion varies widely, ranging from Vivienne Westwood designs to styles modeled on bands like The Exploited. The distinct social dress of other subcultures and art movements, including...


The next day there is a Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn Monroe was an American actress, singer, model and showgirl who became a major sex symbol, starring in a number of commercially successful motion pictures during the 1950s....

 shoot at the frigate warship in Den Helder
Den Helder
Den Helder is a municipality and a city in the Netherlands, in the province of North Holland. Den Helder occupies the northernmost point of the North Holland peninsula...

, the girls are dressed up in beautiful clothing of Percy in red and pink colors, Loïs is not ok with her outfit for her shoot and other girls are having trouble with the icy wind. After the shoot Yfke comes to the penthouse for giving answers for the questions of the girls.

During elimination Sharmyla and Maan were in the bottom two, Maan because of her bad picture at the photo shoot and the panel doesn't believe anymore in her instead of Yfke. But Sharmyla was sent home due to her bad picture at the photo shoot and "lack of persona".
  • Bottom two: Maan Limburg & Sharmyla de Jong
  • Eliminated: Sharmyla de Jong

The Model Who Walks In A Couture Dress

  • Original airdate: March 26, 2007

The girls are getting catwalk lessons by Judge and coach Mariana Verkerk, who teaches them the basics of walking the catwalk. Bodil and Kim who did the best job won the grand prize to the Paris Fashion Couture Week show of South-African designer Gavin Rajah, but the two girls discover after going to see Gavin Rajah that they only have place for one girl, so after a discussion and walks by Bodil and Kim, Gavin Rajah decided to pick Bodil for the show. When Bodil is getting her make-up done and gets dressed, Kim goes shopping in Paris with her guide and judge Rosalie van Breemen.

Meanwhile in Holland there is a photo shoot for the other 8 girls, they have to jump on a trampoline and have to look dreamy in the air. Maan and Bengü do not get it. After the shoot Ruud van der Peijl takes the girls to the Kick Off of the Amsterdam Fashion Week. In Paris Bodil walks the show. Back in Holland Bodil and Kim meet the other girls again and they hear that they are exempted for elimination.

During panel all the judges except Yfke lost their complete faith in Maan. Bengü ends up in the bottom two as well due her lack of energy. Yfke reveals none of their pictures and they both get send home.
  • Bottom two: Bengü Orhan & Maan Limburg
  • Eliminated: Bengü Orhan & Maan Limburg

The Model That Stood Up For Herself

  • Original airdate: April 2, 2007

In this episode the girls woke up in the early morning to learn some discipline at the Constabulary OC. The whole day they are getting trained. At the end of the day a mental coach tells the girls how they have to live with critics. The challenge ends up into an emotional happening for Tanimara. The winner of the week challenge at the Constabulary is Sabrina and picks a friend to enjoy the price to go to a beauty saloon with Hildo Groen, her first choice is Bodil, but Tanimara showed more emotions and need it more than Bodil does.

At the photo shoot the girls have to show their emotions in an emotional rain shoot with photographer Paul Bellaart.

During elimination there are three girls left, but Yfke only has two photos in her hands and those represent Christa due to her "lack of persona" and Kim due to her photos which are too sexy. But Tanimara was sent home due to her photo which doesn't show much emotion as Tanimara already showed.
  • Bottom three: Christa Verboom, Kim Feenstra & Tanimara Teterissa
  • Eliminated: Tanimara Teterissa

The Model Who Has A Crush

  • Original airdate: April 9, 2007

The girls got an opportunity to star in a video clip by the Dutch hip-hop group Rooom, the winner is the girl who learns to express her emotions by dancing and acting, the winner of that challenge is ... Bodil. In the city of Amsterdam she stars in the video clip.

The next day the girls meet judge Carli Hermès
Carli Hermès
Carli Hermés , is a Dutch photographer and director.Carli Hermès studied photography at the Royal Academy of Art and The Arts Institute at Bournemouth in England. He became international known with his commercial photographs for brands like Martini, Swatch, Levi's, Mexx, Nike, WE, Philips, Sony,...

, who is the photographer for the photo shoot, they have to pose with a male model and have to try to seduce the guy. Kim is doing a great job while Sandra struggles with her extravagant smile and Sabrina with her body language.

During elimination Sabrina and Sandra are in the bottom two due to their bad photos, but Sandra was ultimately send home due to stress and her lack of potential to go further in the competition.
  • Bottom two: Sabrina van der Donk & Sandra van Amstel
  • Eliminated: Sandra van Amstel

The Models Who Get Faked Out

  • Original airdate: April 16, 2007

The girls get together with judge Rosalie van Breemen, which tells them about gossip magazines. Rosalie took a copy of 'Ici Paris' magazine with her, in which she is printed, together with contestant Kim! The picture was made in Paris where Bodil and Kim were guests a few episodes ago. The girls then perform in three casting calls for a commercial, fashion designer and movie director. Sabrina shows her worst side trying to manipulate the other girls and taking it to her advantage. Sabrina, Bodil and Christa win the prize, which is knowledge of the photo shoot the day after. The other three, Kim, Loïs and River go to the elimination room at which they find out they will be going out in town for the night. When they come home they find out the photo shoot is only three hours away. Sabrina again shows her ugly side by claiming Bodil and Christa said 'sluts' about the three girls that were away, which was claimed not true.

The shoot is a beauty shot for L'Oréal
The L'Oréal Group is the world's largest cosmetics and beauty company. With its registered office in Paris and head office in the Paris suburb of Clichy, Hauts-de-Seine, France, it has developed activities in the field of cosmetics...

, in which the girls have to look fresh and awake. After the photo shoot the girls meet up with Yfke at Vero Moda. There they get to pick summer outfits, as they will be going to South Africa. The morning after the girls settle in a limousine, thinking they are going to the airport. But they did not know it was leading to the elimination room.

Loïs and Kim are the bottom two'ers this episode, Loïs for still having too little facial expressions, the jury does not know what to tell her to advance. Kim because she did not know her measurements, meaning she did not act as a professional topmodel. Loïs was eliminated.
  • Bottom two: Kim Feenstra & Loïs Hoeboer
  • Eliminated: Loïs Hoeboer

The Model Who Is Also A Dragon

  • Original airdate: April 23, 2007

The girls arrive in Cape Town. Problems already start when Sabrina takes a bigger bed than Christa & Bodil who were meant to sleep together, leading to irritations. The girls get out of bed finding a dance instructor. He takes them to a garden to practice gymnastics and expressions. The girls leave to a desert to make a film of various expressions. Some girls take it difficult by trying things they are not well at and surprise the crew with a performance. River eventually felt bad because she had to do expressions she did not pick and she felt she did a bad job. The winner of the challenge was Kim, which picked River to go along with her for a night at a honeymoon suite, the other three had to sleep in a tent in the middle of the jungle. The morning after the girls participate in a shoot with animals. River's shoot did not go well as she had to pose with rhino's, which showed signs of attack.

During elimination Bodil and River were in the bottom 2. River because she did not manage to get a usable role of film, Bodil due to her lack of passion. River was eliminated.
  • Bottom two: Bodil de Jong & River Hoeboer
  • Eliminated: River Hoeboer

The Models Who Go On Their Go-sees

  • Original airdate: April 30, 2007

The girls arrive at Gavin Rajah's shop, where they get to pick a dress suitable for a cocktail party. Sabrina and Christa flop, and Kim takes the competition by storm winning the challenge. The girls arrive on a broken highway where Mary Reynolds is to judge their walks. Bodil is the only one which gers compliments, followed by Kim, again Sabrina and Christa flop, especially Sabrina who kept her beauty queen image. The girls quickly go to their go-sees, all 4 leave good impressions. After the go-sees the girls went to a party to promote themselves and network. The photo shoot of the week is a bodypaint photo shoot as several animals. After the photo shoot the girls have to dress themselves casually and look the best they can, as they are going to a special Ice Models party being special guests.

During elimination Bodil and Sabrina are in the Bottom two. Sabrina because she still had too much beauty queen inside, Bodil because of the judges did not see progression in last episode's criticism. In the end Bodil was eliminated.
  • Bottom two: Bodil de Jong & Sabrina van der Donk
  • Eliminated: Bodil de Jong

The Models Who Prepare For The Final

  • Original airdate: May 7, 2007

The final three girls are leaving Capetown, South Africa to go back to Holland. They will return to their homes where they can see their family and friends. Rosalie van Breemen goes visiting the girls one by one and talks with their family and friends. She asks the girls how they are going to prepare on the finale and what this means for them to have become this far. Kim reveales that she is partly deaf because she was in a horrible car accident when she was a baby. This is also the reason that she talks with an accent and sometimes speaks with wrong sentences. Sabrina shows a whole other side of her than she had shown being in the competition where she was bitchy with to much beauty queen inside. Christa tells that she never expected to get this far and it is shown that she is a dance teacher in her spare time. In the end the judges all give their opinion about each girl and they tell how they think their chances are for the finale. Next week the finale will be held for a live audience.

The Model becomes Holland's Next Top Model

  • Original airdate: May 14, 2007

The girls finally get to show their preparation to the public in a live fashion show. The public now gets to vote for their favourite and the percentage votes will be calculated over 50 points. Each jurymember then also has 10 points to give their favourite. The girls were dressed in dresses of for instance Jan Taminiau, Mart Visser and Percy. The girls that previously left Holland's Next Top Model also come back for a runway walk, styled in clothing of Vero Moda. Various clips are shown including the Glamour
Glamour (magazine)
Glamour is a women's magazine published by Condé Nast Publications. Founded in 1939 in the United States, it was originally called Glamour of Hollywood....

 photo shoot in the theme Summer.

Nearing the end of the program each jurymember has to write down the name of the contestant they want to win. When all envelopes are in the televoting results are shown. Kim wins the televote with an astonishing 40 points, 80 percent of the votes cast. Christa and Sabrina split the 2nd place with 5 points each. The first envelope with 10 points is from Mariana, earning Christa 10 points. Next envelope was Carli's, also earning Christa 10 points. Yfke's envelope is opened with Kim's name, meaning 50 points for Kim, no longer stoppable from the other two girls, meaning she is the winner. The votes of Rosalie and Karin were not revealed.
  • Winner: Kim Feenstra


(order of elimination)
Contestant Age Hometown Rank
Gioia de Bruijn 20 Amsterdam
Amsterdam is the largest city and the capital of the Netherlands. The current position of Amsterdam as capital city of the Kingdom of the Netherlands is governed by the constitution of August 24, 1815 and its successors. Amsterdam has a population of 783,364 within city limits, an urban population...

, Noord-Holland
Sharmyla de Jong 21 Haarlem
Haarlem is a municipality and a city in the Netherlands. It is the capital of the province of North Holland, the northern half of Holland, which at one time was the most powerful of the seven provinces of the Dutch Republic...

, Noord-Holland
Maan Limburg 18 Utrecht
Utrecht (city)
Utrecht city and municipality is the capital and most populous city of the Dutch province of Utrecht. It is located in the eastern corner of the Randstad conurbation, and is the fourth largest city of the Netherlands with a population of 312,634 on 1 Jan 2011.Utrecht's ancient city centre features...

, Utrecht
Utrecht (province)
Utrecht is the smallest province of the Netherlands in terms of area, and is located in the centre of the country. It is bordered by the Eemmeer in the north, Gelderland in the east, the river Rhine in the south, South Holland in the west, and North Holland in the northwest...

Bengü Orhan 20 Gorinchem
Gorinchem , also called Gorkum , is a city and municipality in the western Netherlands, in the province of South Holland. The municipality covers an area of 21.99 km² of which 3.03 km² is water...

, Zuid-Holland
Tanimara Teterissa 19 Amsterdam
Amsterdam is the largest city and the capital of the Netherlands. The current position of Amsterdam as capital city of the Kingdom of the Netherlands is governed by the constitution of August 24, 1815 and its successors. Amsterdam has a population of 783,364 within city limits, an urban population...

, Noord-Holland
Sandra van Amstel 20 Huizen
Huizen is a municipality and a town in the Netherlands, in the province of North Holland.The name "Huizen" is Dutch for "houses" and this usage has been linked to the belief that the first stone houses in the region appeared here.-History:...

, Noord-Holland
Loïs Hoeboer 17 Haarlem
Haarlem is a municipality and a city in the Netherlands. It is the capital of the province of North Holland, the northern half of Holland, which at one time was the most powerful of the seven provinces of the Dutch Republic...

, Noord-Holland
River Hoeboer 17 Haarlem
Haarlem is a municipality and a city in the Netherlands. It is the capital of the province of North Holland, the northern half of Holland, which at one time was the most powerful of the seven provinces of the Dutch Republic...

, Noord-Holland
Bodil de Jong 18 Leeuwarden, Friesland
Friesland is a province in the north of the Netherlands and part of the ancient region of Frisia.Until the end of 1996, the province bore Friesland as its official name. In 1997 this Dutch name lost its official status to the Frisian Fryslân...

Sabrina van der Donk 18 Zeewolde
Zeewolde is a municipality and a town in the Flevoland province in the central Netherlands. It has a population of approximately 20,000. It is situated in the polder of Flevoland with the small lake called the Wolderwijd to the east. To the south is a large deciduous forest called the Horsterwold...

, Flevoland
Flevoland is a province of the Netherlands. Located in the centre of the country, at the location of the former Zuiderzee, the province was established on January 1, 1986; the twelfth province of the country, with Lelystad as its capital...

Christa Verboom 20 Apeldoorn
Apeldoorn is a municipality and city in the province of Gelderland, about 60 miles south east of Amsterdam, in the centre of the Netherlands. It is a regional centre and has 155,000 . The municipality of Apeldoorn, including villages like Beekbergen, Loenen and Hoenderloo, has over 155,000...

, Gelderland
Gelderland is the largest province of the Netherlands, located in the central eastern part of the country. The capital city is Arnhem. The two other major cities, Nijmegen and Apeldoorn have more inhabitants. Other major regional centers in Gelderland are Ede, Doetinchem, Zutphen, Tiel, Wijchen,...

Kim Feenstra
Kim Feenstra
Kim Feenstra is a Dutch model of Indonesian descent. She was named the winning contestant of Cycle 2 of Holland's Next Top Model...

21 Groningen, Groningen
Groningen (province)
Groningen [] is the northeasternmost province of the Netherlands. In the east it borders the German state of Niedersachsen , in the south Drenthe, in the west Friesland and in the north the Wadden Sea...


Call-out Order

Yfke's Call-out Order
Order |1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10
01 Christa Bengü River Bodil Loïs Kim River Sabrina Kim Kim
02 Bodil Tanimara Kim Kim Bodil Christa Christa Kim Christa Christa
03 Loïs Bodil Christa Sabrina Sabrina Loïs Bodil Christa Sabrina Sabrina
04 Kim Kim Sabrina Loïs Sandra River Sabrina Bodil Bodil
05 Tanimara 'Sandra Tanimara River River Bodil Kim River
06 Gioia Christa Bodil Sandra Christa Sabrina Loïs
07 Sandra River Bengü Tanimara Kim Sandra
08 River Sharmyla Sandra Christa Tanimara
09 Maryan Loïs Loïs Bengü
10 Benita Maan Maan Maan
11 Sheana Sabrina Sharmyla
12 Iris Gioia

The contestant won the reward challenge
The contestant did not participate in the photoshoot and won the reward challenge
The contestant was eliminated
The contestant won the competition

  • In episode 1, the pool of 20 girls was reduced to 12 who moved on to the main competition. However, this first call-out does not reflect their performance that first week.
  • Episodes 2 and 4 consisted of a bottom three, as opposed to the normal bottom two.
  • In episode 9, the final three girls showed their ordinary lives back at home.
  • In episode 10, the final, 50% is decided by televoting, 50% by the jury. Kim wins the televote by storm by defeating the other girls with 80% of the votes.

Photo shoot Guide

  • Week 1 Photo shoot : VeroModa' Topless Trio's
  • Week 2 Photo shoot : Percy' Marilyn Monroe at the Navy
  • Week 3 Photo shoot : L'Oréal
    The L'Oréal Group is the world's largest cosmetics and beauty company. With its registered office in Paris and head office in the Paris suburb of Clichy, Hauts-de-Seine, France, it has developed activities in the field of cosmetics...

     Trampoline Shot
  • Week 4 Photo shoot : Crying in the Rain
  • Week 5 Photo shoot : LG
    LG may refer to:*LG Corp., a South Korean electronics and petrochemicals conglomerate*LG Electronics, an affiliate of the South Korean LG Group which produces electronic products* Lawrence Graham, a London headquartered firm of business lawyers...

     Sexy Shot
  • Week 6 Photo shoot : L'Oréal
    The L'Oréal Group is the world's largest cosmetics and beauty company. With its registered office in Paris and head office in the Paris suburb of Clichy, Hauts-de-Seine, France, it has developed activities in the field of cosmetics...

     Face Mimicry
  • Week 7 Photo shoot : Glamour
    Glamour (magazine)
    Glamour is a women's magazine published by Condé Nast Publications. Founded in 1939 in the United States, it was originally called Glamour of Hollywood....

     Urban African
  • Week 8 Photo shoot : Bodypainted Animals
  • Week 10 Photo shoot : Cover shoot Glamour
    Glamour (magazine)
    Glamour is a women's magazine published by Condé Nast Publications. Founded in 1939 in the United States, it was originally called Glamour of Hollywood....


  • Yfke Sturm
    Yfke Sturm
    Yfke Sturm is a Dutch model.-Youth:Becoming a top international model was the last thing 15-year-old sports enthusiast Yfke Sturm expected until in 1997 the 5'11” teen was approached in her hometown of Almere, Netherlands, by a Elite Model Management scout. Shortly thereafter, she entered the...

  • Carli Hermès
    Carli Hermès
    Carli Hermés , is a Dutch photographer and director.Carli Hermès studied photography at the Royal Academy of Art and The Arts Institute at Bournemouth in England. He became international known with his commercial photographs for brands like Martini, Swatch, Levi's, Mexx, Nike, WE, Philips, Sony,...

  • Rosalie van Breemen
  • Karin Swerink
  • Mariana Verkerk
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