Henri Bénard
Henri Bénard, French physicist, best known for his research on convection in liquids that now carries his name, Benard convection.
He defended his PhD thesis at the College de France on March 15, 1901 entitled "Les Tourbillons cellulaires dans une nappe liquide propageant de la chaleur par convection en régime permanent".
In 1929 he received the Bordin prize for his work on vortices from the Paris Academy of Sciences.
A research center of the ERCOFTAC in Lyon is named after him
He defended his PhD thesis at the College de France on March 15, 1901 entitled "Les Tourbillons cellulaires dans une nappe liquide propageant de la chaleur par convection en régime permanent".
In 1929 he received the Bordin prize for his work on vortices from the Paris Academy of Sciences.
A research center of the ERCOFTAC in Lyon is named after him