Happy Family (Law & Order: Criminal Intent episode)
"Happy Family" is a third season episode of the television series Law & Order: Criminal Intent
Law & Order: Criminal Intent
Law & Order: Criminal Intent is an American police procedural television drama series set in New York City, where it was also primarily produced. Created and produced by Dick Wolf and René Balcer, the series premiered on September 30, 2001, as the second spin-off of Wolf's successful crime drama...


Plot summary

Detective Goren
Robert Goren
Det. Robert "Bobby" Goren is a fictional character featured in the NBC-USA Network police procedural and legal drama television series Law & Order: Criminal Intent, portrayed by Vincent D'Onofrio....

 and Bishop
G. Lynn Bishop
Det. G. Lynn Bishop is a fictional character in the NBC-USA Network series, Law & Order: Criminal Intent, played by Samantha Buck.- In Major Case Squad :...

 are called to examine the murder of a wealthy patriarch who was bludgeoned to death.

The investigation is focused in a family list of suspects which includes the victim's soon-to-be ex-wife, the nanny who cared for the couple's adopted Romania
Romania is a country located at the crossroads of Central and Southeastern Europe, on the Lower Danube, within and outside the Carpathian arch, bordering on the Black Sea...

n sons, as well the suspicious aunt and uncle of the children.

After Goren goes deeper into the family's past, his only hope of sorting out the clutter of possible killers is to call for a family reunion which takes place in a court room. Eventually he figures out that the older son, Jason was the killer. The mother, who tries to confess as she's dying of terminal cancer, frightened her children about what would happen if the father got custody in the divorce: that he would send them back to the orphanage which was basically hell for anyone living there. Jason finally confesses that he did it out of fear and that all his father did as he killed him was ask why and Jason never answered him. Jason's horrified by his actions and is arrested for the murder of his father. Goren, Bishop and Carver all hope that whoever is given custody of Sam when the mother dies does a better job of it.


Vincent D'Onofrio
Vincent D'Onofrio
Vincent Phillip D'Onofrio is an American actor, director, film producer, writer, and singer. Often referred to as an actor's actor, his work as a character actor has earned him the nickname of "Human Chameleon"...

Det. Robert Goren
Robert Goren
Det. Robert "Bobby" Goren is a fictional character featured in the NBC-USA Network police procedural and legal drama television series Law & Order: Criminal Intent, portrayed by Vincent D'Onofrio....

Kathryn Erbe
Kathryn Erbe
Kathryn Elsbeth Erbe is an American actress known for her role as Det. Alexandra Eames in Law & Order: Criminal Intent, a spin-off of Law & Order, and death row inmate Shirley Bellinger in the HBO series Oz.-Personal life:...

Det. Alexandra Eames
Alexandra Eames
Det. Alexandra "Alex" Eames is a fictional police detective with the NYPD Major Case Squad featured in the NBC-USA Network Law & Order: Criminal Intent, portrayed by Kathryn Erbe...

Jamey Sheridan
Jamey Sheridan
James Patrick "Jamey" Sheridan is an American actor. He was born in Pasadena, California.He has had a prolific acting career in theater, television, and feature film productions. Born to a family of actors, he made it to Broadway and earned a Tony nomination in 1987 for his performance in the...

Capt. James Deakins
James Deakins
Captain James Deakins is a fictional character on the NBC-USA Network U.S. television series, Law & Order: Criminal Intent, played by Jamey Sheridan.On the show, Deakins supervises New York City's Major Case Squad...

Courtney B. Vance
Courtney B. Vance
Courtney Bernard Vance is an American actor. He was formerly a regular on the NBC/USA television series Law & Order: Criminal Intent as Assistant District Attorney Ron Carver. He was also a series regular on the ABC series FlashForward. As of 2011, he appears on the TNT series The Closer as Chief...

A.D.A. Ron Carver
Ron Carver
Ron Carver is a fictional character on the NBC-USA Network series, Law & Order: Criminal Intent, played by Courtney B. Vance.Carver often works in conjunction with detectives Robert Goren, Alexandra Eames, Mike Logan and Carolyn Barek of the Major Case Squad. He graduated from John Jay College of...

Samantha Buck
Samantha Buck
-Biography:Buck was born in Dallas, Texas, but raised in Washington, D.C.Buck played Det. G. Lynn Bishop in Law & Order: Criminal Intent, temporarily replacing Det. Alexandra Eames while the latter was on maternity leave. Buck's television roles have not been limited only to drama; she also played...

Det. G. Lynn Bishop

External links

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