Hannah M. Jones
Hannah M. Jones is an artist and musician from Athens, Georgia
Athens, Georgia
Athens-Clarke County is a consolidated city–county in U.S. state of Georgia, in the northeastern part of the state, comprising the former City of Athens proper and Clarke County. The University of Georgia is located in this college town and is responsible for the initial growth of the city...

. Born in Par
Par, Cornwall
Par is a town and fishing port with a harbour on the south coast of Cornwall, England, United Kingdom. The town is situated in the civil parish of Tywardreath and Par and is approximately east of St Austell. Par has a population of around 1,400.....

, England
England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west; the Irish Sea is to the north west, the Celtic Sea to the south west, with the North Sea to the east and the English Channel to the south separating it from continental...

 during the "Top of the Pops." Hannah grew up in Sandersville, Georgia and later attended art school at the University of Georgia
University of Georgia
The University of Georgia is a public research university located in Athens, Georgia, United States. Founded in 1785, it is the oldest and largest of the state's institutions of higher learning and is one of multiple schools to claim the title of the oldest public university in the United States...

 in Athens, Georgia. She is a respected artist in her community and known for her strong colorful paintings and assemblages. Past member of E6 collective band The Circulatory System, and The Instruments
The Instruments
The Instruments is the musical project of Heather McIntosh, cellist in a number of Athens, Georgia groups including Circulatory System, Elf Power, and Japancakes. Their first album, Billions of Phonographs, was released on Orange Twin Records in 2003, followed by 2006's Cast A Half Shadow and...

 she now focuses her attention on her songwriting project Sound Houses (formerly the New Sound of Numbers) as a vocalist/12 string guitarist/drummer and is the drummer/vocalist for Supercluster (band)
Supercluster (band)
Supercluster is a recording project that formed during 2007 in Athens, Georgia. It includes musicians from the Athens, Georgia bands New Sound Of Numbers, Bob Hay & the Jolly Beggars, Casper & the Cookies, Of Montreal, Circulatory System and Pylon , along with Elephant 6 recording artists John...



The New Sound of Numbers
  • Liberty Seeds (2006)

Supercluster (band)
Supercluster (band)
Supercluster is a recording project that formed during 2007 in Athens, Georgia. It includes musicians from the Athens, Georgia bands New Sound Of Numbers, Bob Hay & the Jolly Beggars, Casper & the Cookies, Of Montreal, Circulatory System and Pylon , along with Elephant 6 recording artists John...

  • Special 5 e.p. (2007)

External links

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