Günther's Dik-dik
Günther's Dik-dik is a small antelope
Antelope is a term referring to many even-toed ungulate species indigenous to various regions in Africa and Eurasia. Antelopes comprise a miscellaneous group within the family Bovidae, encompassing those old-world species that are neither cattle, sheep, buffalo, bison, nor goats...

 found in East Africa
East Africa
East Africa or Eastern Africa is the easterly region of the African continent, variably defined by geography or geopolitics. In the UN scheme of geographic regions, 19 territories constitute Eastern Africa:...

. It weighs up to 3–5 kg (6.6 to 11 pounds) when full grown. It has a yellowish gray to reddish brown coat. It has a short tail (3–5 cm) and horn (9.8 cm).
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