novel written by Thomas Pynchon
and first published on February 28, 1973.
The narrative
is set primarily in Europe at the end of World War II
and centers on the design, production and dispatch of V-2 rocket
s by the German military, and, in particular, the quest undertaken by several characters to uncover the secret of a mysterious device named the "Schwarzgerät" ("black device") that is to be installed in a rocket with the serial number "00000."
Gravity's Rainbow is transgressive, as it questions and inverts social standards of deviance and disgust and transgresses boundaries of Western culture
and reason
It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...secretly, it was being dictated instead by the needs of technology...by a conspiracy between human beings and techniques, by something that needed the energy-burst of war.
A screaming comes across the sky. It has happened before, but there is nothing to compare it to now.
They are in Love. Fuck the War.
Death has come in the pantry door: stands watching them, iron and patient, with a look that says try to tickle me.
Tap my head and mic my brain / stick that needle in my vein
pronouncing asshole with a certain sphinctering of the lips so it comes out ehisshehwle.
read old agonies inside poor Dumpster, who'd tried suicide last semester: the differential equations that would not weave for him into any elegance.