, taken from two shows at the Avalon Ballroom in San Francisco when the Flying Burrito Brothers opened for the Grateful Dead
Amoeba Records co-founder Dave Prinz found tapes of the two shows among the 16,000 hours of material in the Grateful Dead's vault, and after considerable lobbying, convinced Grateful Dead sound engineer Owsley Stanley
, who oversaw the Dead's material, to license the Burritos’ material to Amoeba's record label.
Do you understand, gentlemen, that all the horror is in just this—that there is no horror!
I can enjoy her while she's kind;But when she dances in the wind,And shakes the wings and will not stay,I puff the prostitute away: The little or the much she gave is quietly resign'd: Content with poverty, my soul I arm; And virtue, though in rags, will keep me warm.
[in Kenya]...any woman who is single and has multiple male sex partners is considered to be a prostitute, whether or not money changes hands.
[in India] Any sexual intercourse outside socially acceptable unions is likely to be regarded as prostitution.
[In Iran] Under mut'a, it is possible to be 'married' for as little as half an hour.
Egyptian law states that a man who is caught with a prostitute is not imprisoned; instead, his testimony is used to convict and imprison the prostitute.
Prostitutes are the inevitable product of a society that places ultimate importance on money, possessions, and competition.
Prostitution is organized rape.