Georges Azéma
Georges Azéma was a French
The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...

 historian from Réunion
Réunion is a French island with a population of about 800,000 located in the Indian Ocean, east of Madagascar, about south west of Mauritius, the nearest island.Administratively, Réunion is one of the overseas departments of France...

. Son of the writer Étienne Azéma
Étienne Azéma
Étienne Azéma was a French poet, playwright, and writer of fables. Born in Saint-Denis, on the island of Réunion, he died on the island as well. He was a magistrate, delegated to the island by the Ministre de la Marine, and as a writer was well known for his play Médée...

 and brother to the doctor Mazaé Azéma
Mazaé Azéma
François Jean-Pierre Henri Azéma, called Mazaé Azéma, was a French politician and doctor of Réunionnais birth. Born in Saint-Denis on July 17, 1823, he died on July 28, 1886. He was a surgeon who had studied urology. He served on the General Council of Réunion from 1967, and received the Légion...

, his son Henri
Henri Azéma
Joseph Jean Stéphen Henri Azéma was a Réunionnais doctor. He was the son of historian Georges Azéma, and also served as a local councillor on Réunion. His maternal uncle was the journalist Louis Brunet.-Reference:*...

 was also a doctor; his grandfather Jean-Baptiste Azéma
Jean-Baptiste Azéma
Jean-Baptiste Azéma was a French administrator; he served as the governor of Réunion from May 15 to October 31, 1745. His son was the writer Étienne Azéma; other descendants have included Georges Azéma, a historian; Mazaé Azéma, a doctor; Henri Azéma, a doctor; poet Jean-Henri Azéma; and historian...

 had briefly served as governor of Réunion; other relatives include the poet Jean-Henri Azéma
Jean-Henri Azéma
Jean-Henri Azéma, called Jean Azéma was a French poet of Réunionnais origin. Born in Saint-Denis, he died in Buenos Aires, where he had fled after collaborating with the Nazis during World War II. His son was the historian Jean-Pierre Azéma...

 and the historian Jean-Pierre Azéma
Jean-Pierre Azéma
-Early life:Azéma is the son of the Réunionese poet Jean-Henri Azéma. Jean-Henri was a collaborator with the black-shirted Milice during the occupation of France, and lived in exile in South America after the war.-Career:...



  • Le dictionnaire biographique de La Réunion, Sabine Deglise, Brigitte Hock-Koon, Raymonde Kissel, Michel Verguin et Mario Serviable, 1998.
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