George W. Peirce
George W. Peirce was secretary and treasurer of the Golden Fleece Mining and Milling Company (New York)
Golden Fleece Mining and Milling Company (New York)
The Golden Fleece Mining and Milling Company , probably already founded in 1879, but incorporated on April 22, 1882 in Tompkins County, New York, with a capital of $1,000,000, was a San Francisco Stock and Exchange traded mining company....

, and the Golden Fleece Mining and Milling Company (Iowa)
Golden Fleece Mining and Milling Company (Iowa)
The Golden Fleece Mining and Milling Company , was a mining company and was incorporated on May 7, 1893 under the laws of the state of Iowa. It had an initial capital stock of $600,000, 600,000 shares, $1.00 each. The company was represented by its president Biddle Reeves and its secretary and...

, since its incorporation until his death in a train collision on December 4, 1899.
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