Farscape: The Game
Farscape: The Game is a computer role-playing game, released in 2002, based on the first season of the science-fiction television show Farscape
Farscape is an Australian-American science fiction television series filmed in Australia and produced originally for the Nine Network. The series was conceived by Rockne S. O'Bannon and produced by Jim Henson Productions and Hallmark Entertainment...

. It was developed by Red Lemon Studios.


The game starts with the crew onboard Moya when they get attacked by a peacekeeper command carrier. Crichton and Chiana are forced to abandon ship on Aeryn's Prowler, which they crash land on the planet that is below them.

Whilst this is happening, Aeryn, Rygel, Zhaan and D'Argo get locked on board in the cells aboard Moya. The main purpose of the game is for Crichton and Chiana to get reunited with the rest of Moya's Crew and escape the attacking command carrier.


  • John Crichton - Ben Browder
    Ben Browder
    Robert Benedic "Ben" Browder is an American actor and writer, best known for his roles as John Crichton in Farscape and Cameron Mitchell in Stargate SG-1.-Early life:...

  • Chiana - Gigi Edgley
    Gigi Edgley
    Gigi Edgley is an Australian actress and recording artist. She is best known for her roles as Chiana on the series Farscape and Lara Knight in Rescue: Special Ops.-Early life:...

  • Pa'u Zotoh Zhaan - Virginia Hey
    Virginia Hey
    Virginia Hey is an Australian actress, known for her role as Pa'u Zotoh Zhaan on the science fiction TV series Farscape....

  • Aeryn Sun - Claudia Black
    Claudia Black
    Claudia Lee Black is an Australian actress and voice actor, known for her portrayals of Aeryn Sun in the science fiction television series Farscape, Vala Mal Doran in the science fiction series Stargate SG-1, Chloe Frazer in the Uncharted series, the witch Morrigan in Dragon Age: Origins and...

  • Pilot - Lani Tupu
    Lani Tupu
    Lani Tupu is a classically trained actor. He was educated at Rongotai College and Wellington Teacher's Training College. He was awarded a Queen Elizabeth II Arts Council Bursary in 1977 to enter New Zealand Drama School, where he graduated in 1978...

  • Ka D'Argo - Anthony Simcoe
    Anthony Simcoe
    Anthony Simcoe is an Australian actor, best known for his portrayal of Ka D'Argo in the science fiction television series Farscape.The 6' 6" Simcoe is a graduate of the National Institute of Dramatic Arts in Sydney...

  • Rygel - Jonathan Hardy
    Jonathan Hardy
    - Stage :He was part of the cast in the first public performance of Kenneth G. Ross's important Australian play Breaker Morant: A Play in Two Acts, presented by the Melbourne Theatre Company at the Athenaeum Theatre, in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, on Thursday, 2 February 1978.-Film:His film...

External links

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