F. A. Heydtmann
F.A. Heydtmann was captain of the Hamburg America Line
Hamburg America Line
The Hamburg Amerikanische Packetfahrt Actien Gesellschaft was a transatlantic shipping enterprise established in Hamburg, Germany during...

’s ill-fated steamer Austria at the time of its sinking on September 13, 1858. As the Steamboat Austria disaster was caused by negligence of the crew, F.A. Heydtmann was ultimately considered responsible for the worst transatlantic steamer disaster of the 19th century, killing 449 passengers and crew. Heydtmann drowned along with his ship.

Previously, Heydtmann captained the transatlantic steamers Elbe (1849-1853), Donau (1853-1854), and Hammonia (1856-1857).
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