Elizabeth Chong's Tiny Delights
Elizabeth Chong's Tiny Delights is a cooking series originally aired on Australian Television
in 2003. It follows renowned chef, Elizabeth Chong
in her journeys around the culinary map of China
. The program consists of Chong spending ten minutes talking about a specific place, the attractions and the 'tiny delights' engendered to the area, it then splits to the studio where she shows the audience how to make one of the 'tiny delights' from the area. She generally does four segments on the area and two tiny delights.
Australian television
Television in Australia began experimentally as early as 1929 in Melbourne with stations 3DB and 3UZ using the Radiovision system by Gilbert Miles and Donal McDonald, and later from other locations, such as Brisbane in 1934....
in 2003. It follows renowned chef, Elizabeth Chong
Elizabeth Chong
Elizabeth Chong is a prominent Australian celebrity chef, author and television presenter.She came to Australia when she was 3....
in her journeys around the culinary map of China
Chinese civilization may refer to:* China for more general discussion of the country.* Chinese culture* Greater China, the transnational community of ethnic Chinese.* History of China* Sinosphere, the area historically affected by Chinese culture...
. The program consists of Chong spending ten minutes talking about a specific place, the attractions and the 'tiny delights' engendered to the area, it then splits to the studio where she shows the audience how to make one of the 'tiny delights' from the area. She generally does four segments on the area and two tiny delights.