E.K. Aboobacker Musliar
E.K. Aboobacker Musliar (1914–1996) was a Sunni Muslim
A Muslim, also spelled Moslem, is an adherent of Islam, a monotheistic, Abrahamic religion based on the Quran, which Muslims consider the verbatim word of God as revealed to prophet Muhammad. "Muslim" is the Arabic term for "submitter" .Muslims believe that God is one and incomparable...

 scholar and religious leader from Paramblikadavu, near Kozhikkode, Kerala state, South India
South India
South India is the area encompassing India's states of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu as well as the union territories of Lakshadweep and Pondicherry, occupying 19.31% of India's area...

. E. K. Sunni
E. K. Sunni
E. K. Sunni is one of the powerful traditional Sunni factions of Muslims in Kerala, South India under the Chelari Samastha. They belong to Sunni-Shafi school of law. It is largest Muslim faction in Kerala in terms of number of followers and was named after the cleric E.K...

, the largest Muslim
A Muslim, also spelled Moslem, is an adherent of Islam, a monotheistic, Abrahamic religion based on the Quran, which Muslims consider the verbatim word of God as revealed to prophet Muhammad. "Muslim" is the Arabic term for "submitter" .Muslims believe that God is one and incomparable...

 (Mappila) faction in Kerala
or Keralam is an Indian state located on the Malabar coast of south-west India. It was created on 1 November 1956 by the States Reorganisation Act by combining various Malayalam speaking regions....

 in terms of number of followers, is named after E.K. Aboobacker Musliar.

He was often referred as the "Sun Among the Scholars" ("Shams-ul-Ulama") and he led the largest religious organisation of Muslim scholars and clerics in Kerala
or Keralam is an Indian state located on the Malabar coast of south-west India. It was created on 1 November 1956 by the States Reorganisation Act by combining various Malayalam speaking regions....

 as the General Secretary of Samastha Kerala Jamiyyathul Ulama
Samastha Kerala Jamiyyathul Ulama
Samastha Kerala Jam'iyyathul Ulama is the religious organisation of E. K. Sunni faction Muslim scholars and clerics of the Indian state of Kerala. E. K. Sunni is one of the powerful traditional Sunni factions of Muslims in Kerala belonging to Sunni-Shafi school of law...

 for 40 years, until his death in 1996.

See also

  • E. K. Sunni
    E. K. Sunni
    E. K. Sunni is one of the powerful traditional Sunni factions of Muslims in Kerala, South India under the Chelari Samastha. They belong to Sunni-Shafi school of law. It is largest Muslim faction in Kerala in terms of number of followers and was named after the cleric E.K...

  • Mappila
    Mappila or Moplah refers to a Muslim community of Kerala, primarily in the northern region called Malabar, which arose in Malabar as a result of the pre and post Islamic Arab contacts. Significant numbers of the community are also present in the southern districts of Karnataka and western parts of...

  • Kanthapuram A. P. Aboobacker Musalyar
  • Shah Bano case
    Shah Bano case
    The Shah Bano case was a controversial divorce lawsuit in India, in which Shah Bano, a 62 year old Muslim woman and mother of five from Indore, Madhya Pradesh, was divorced by her husband in 1978 and was subsequently denied alimony...

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