Déversion de la Raye
The Déversoir de la Raye is a weir
A weir is a small overflow dam used to alter the flow characteristics of a river or stream. In most cases weirs take the form of a barrier across the river that causes water to pool behind the structure , but allows water to flow over the top...

 for water release from the Canal du Midi
Canal du Midi
The is a long canal in Southern France . The canal connects the Garonne River to the on the Mediterranean and along with the Canal de Garonne forms the Canal des Deux Mers joining the Atlantic to the Mediterranean. The canal runs from the city of Toulouse down to the Étang de Thau...

 west of the Orbiel Aqueduct
Orbiel Aqueduct
The Orbiel Aqueduct is one of several aqueducts on the Canal du Midi. Until its building, the canal crossed the River Orbiel on the level. A dam on the Orbiel was demolished and replaced with the Aqueduct. It was built in 1686-87 by Antoine Niquet and designed by Marshal Sebastien Vauban, It...

 and northwest of Trèbes
Trèbes is a commune in the Aude department in southern France.-Population:-External links:*...


See also

  • Aqueducts on the Canal du Midi
    Aqueducts on the Canal du Midi
    Aqueducts on the Canal du Midi allow the canal to intersect and cross over natural streams. There are two exceptions, the first is the Herbettes Aqueduct where it crosses a four lane highway in Toulouse...

  • Canal du Midi
    Canal du Midi
    The is a long canal in Southern France . The canal connects the Garonne River to the on the Mediterranean and along with the Canal de Garonne forms the Canal des Deux Mers joining the Atlantic to the Mediterranean. The canal runs from the city of Toulouse down to the Étang de Thau...

  • Locks on the Canal du Midi
    Locks on the Canal du Midi
    There are 91 working locks on the Canal du Midi along its course from the Bassin du Thau on the Mediterranean coast to the junction with the Canal lateral a la Garonne in Toulouse. There are a further 13 locks on the La Nouvelle branch which runs through Narbonne to the Mediterranean at...

  • Water features on the Canal du Midi
    Water features on the Canal du Midi
    The balancing of incoming and outgoing water allows the Canal du Midi to operate as it does. Each time a lock operates, large quantities of water are either required to fill it or dump from it into the lower level pound. There must be a constant source of water in order to fill and the excess...

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