Dyer's case
Dyer's case 2 Hen. V, fol. 5, pl. 26 is an old English contract law
English contract law
English contract law is a body of law regulating contracts in England and Wales. With its roots in the lex mercatoria and the activism of the judiciary during the industrial revolution, it shares a heritage with countries across the Commonwealth , and the United States...

 case concerning restraint of trade
Restraint of trade
Restraint of trade is a common law doctrine relating to the enforceability of contractual restrictions on freedom to conduct business. In an old leading case of Mitchell v Reynolds Lord Smith LC said,...

 and the doctrine of consideration.


Mr John Dyer had given a promise to not exercise his trade in the same town as the plaintiff for six months but the plaintiff had promised nothing in return. The plaintiff had not bothered to attend court for the hearing.


On hearing the plaintiff's attempt to enforce this restraint, Hull J exclaimed,
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