Don Alfón Gil de Mogollón, Lord of the House of Mogollón


Don (honorific)
Don, from Latin dominus, is an honorific in Spanish , Portuguese , and Italian . The female equivalent is Doña , Dona , and Donna , abbreviated "Dª" or simply "D."-Usage:...

 Alfón Gil de Mogollón was a son of Don Pedro Gil de Mogollón, Lord of Arroyo del Peche
Don Pedro Gil de Mogollón, Lord of Arroyo del Peche
-Life:Pedro Gil de Mogollón was a son of Don Pedro Gil de Mogollón, Lord of the House of Mogollón and wife María Ximénez. He was the Lord of the Defense and Estates of Arroyo del Peche....

 and wife Francisca García, of the House of Paredes. He was the Lord of the House of Mogollón and Regidor
A Regidor is a member of a council of municipalities in Spain and Latin America. Portugal also used to have the same office of Regedor.-Mexico:...

of Cáceres
Cáceres, Spain
Cáceres is the capital of the same name province, in the autonomous community of Extremadura, Spain. , its population was 91,131 inhabitants. The municipio has a land area of 1,750.33 km², and is the largest in geographical extension in Spain....


He married Martina Gómez Espadero, who was a widow
A widow is a woman whose spouse has died, while a widower is a man whose spouse has died. The state of having lost one's spouse to death is termed widowhood or occasionally viduity. The adjective form is widowed...

 in 1402, and they were the parents of Doña María Gil de Mogollón, wife of Juan Blázquez de Cáceres, el Gordo, already deceased in 1364, in turn the parents of Fernán Blázquez de Cáceres
Fernán Blázquez de Cáceres
-Life:Fernán Blázquez de Cáceres was a son of Juan Blázquez de Cáceres, el Gordo, already deceased in 1364, and wife Doña María Gil de Mogollón, daughter of Don Alfón Gil de Mogollón, Lord of the House of Mogollón and wife Martina Gómez Espadero...



  • Cunha, Fernando de Castro Pereira Mouzinho de Albuquerque e (1906–1998), Instrumentário Genealógico - Linhagens Milenárias. MCMXCV, p. 312
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