Dirección General de Policía
The Dirección General de Policía (DIGEPOL) was a Venezuela
Venezuela , officially called the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela , is a tropical country on the northern coast of South America. It borders Colombia to the west, Guyana to the east, and Brazil to the south...

n police agency. DIGEPOL was created after the transition to democracy following the 1958 fall of the dictatorship of Marcos Pérez Jiménez
Marcos Pérez Jiménez
Marcos Evangelista Pérez Jiménez was a soldier and Presidents of Venezuela from 1952 to 1958.-Career:Marcos Evangelista Pérez Jiménez was born in Michelena, Táchira State. His father, Juan Pérez Bustamante, was a farmer; his mother, Adela Jiménez, a schoolteacher...

, replacing in part the old Seguridad Nacional. Allegations of abuse plagued DIGEPOL, most prominently in relation to, according to judicial hearings, the killing and torture of a communist professor by DIGEPOL agents. DIGEPOL was replaced in 1969 by the Dirección de los Servicios de Inteligencia y Prevención
Dirección de los Servicios de Inteligencia y Prevención
thumb|250px|right|El Helicoide building in Caracas - old headquarters of SEBINSEBIN, the Servicio Bolivariano de Inteligencia , is the premier intelligence agency in Venezuela...

(DISIP), under the control of the Interior Ministry.
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