Desktop Developers' Conference
The Desktop Developers' Conference is a Linux conference
Linux conference
A Linux conference is a computer conference for people interested in Linux, BSD, free software and open-source software.-North and South America:*Atlanta LinuxFest September*Calgary LinuxFest held in Calgary, Canada in October...

 where developer
Software developer
A software developer is a person concerned with facets of the software development process. Their work includes researching, designing, developing, and testing software. A software developer may take part in design, computer programming, or software project management...

s discuss and work on X11
X Window System
The X window system is a computer software system and network protocol that provides a basis for graphical user interfaces and rich input device capability for networked computers...

, Linux desktops like GNOME
GNOME is a desktop environment and graphical user interface that runs on top of a computer operating system. It is composed entirely of free and open source software...

 and KDE
KDE is an international free software community producing an integrated set of cross-platform applications designed to run on Linux, FreeBSD, Microsoft Windows, Solaris and Mac OS X systems...

, is a project to work on interoperability and shared base technology for free software desktop environments for the X Window System on Linux and other Unix-like operating systems. It was founded by Havoc Pennington from Red Hat in March 2000.The organisation focuses on the user....

 projects, and desktop software such as web browser
Web browser
A web browser is a software application for retrieving, presenting, and traversing information resources on the World Wide Web. An information resource is identified by a Uniform Resource Identifier and may be a web page, image, video, or other piece of content...

s, office suite
Office suite
In computing, an office suite, sometimes called an office software suite or productivity suite is a collection of programs intended to be used by knowledge workers...

s, and groupware. The conference traditionally has taken place in Ottawa, Canada each year just before the Ottawa Linux Symposium.

However, in 2007, the conference will take place in September, in the UK.
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