Das Böse
"Das Böse" is the E Nomine
E Nomine
E Nomine is a German musical project, formed in 1999, by producers Christian Weller and Friedrich "Fritz" Graner. Their music, which they call monumental dance, is an unusual combination of trance, techno, and vocals which closely resemble Gregorian singing and chanting...

's ninth single, which was released on February 28, 2005. The songs on this single are not to be included on any albums.

Track listing

  1. "Das dunkle Element" ("The dark element")
  2. "Das Böse (Neue Version)" ("The Evil")
  3. "Wiegenlied" ("Lullaby")
  4. "Mala" ("Evil" in Latin)
  5. "Das Böse (Nomen est O. Mix)"
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