DRB Class 19.10
The steam motorised locomotive no. 19 1001 was a German, express train
Express train
Express trains are a form of rail service. Express trains make only a small number of stops, instead of stopping at every single station...

 steam locomotive with the Deutsche Reichsbahn
Deutsche Reichsbahn
Deutsche Reichsbahn was the name of the following two companies:* Deutsche Reichsbahn, the German Imperial Railways during the Weimar Republic, the Third Reich and the immediate aftermath...


In 1941 Henschel delivered this fully streamlined trials locomotive with factory number 25000. The proven method of a single-axle drive to each axle used on electric locomotives was adopted for this locomotive. The four driving axles were therefore each driven by a separate steam-driven motor.


  • Horst Troche: 19 1001 - Die Stromlinien-Schnellzuglokomotive der Deutschen Reichsbahn mit Einzelachsantrieb, Eisenbahn-Kurier-Verlag, 2007

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