Cyathea subg. Cyathea
Cyathea is a subgenus
in the genus
In biology, a subgenus is a taxonomic rank directly below genus.In zoology, a subgeneric name can be used independently or included in a species name, in parentheses, placed between the generic name and the specific epithet: e.g. the Tiger Cowry of the Indo-Pacific, Cypraea tigris Linnaeus, which...
in the genus
In biology, a genus is a low-level taxonomic rank used in the biological classification of living and fossil organisms, which is an example of definition by genus and differentia...
Cyathea is a genus of tree ferns, the type genus of the fern order Cyatheales. They are mostly terrestrial ferns, usually with a single tall stem. Rarely, the trunk may be branched or creeping. Many species also develop a fibrous mass of roots at the base of the trunk. The genus has a pantropical...
- Subgenus Cyathea
- Section AlsophilaCyathea sect. AlsophilaAlsophila is a section in the subgenus Cyathea. The name was originally applied to a genus of tree ferns which is now considered to be syonymous with Cyathea.-Classification:*Subgenus Cyathea**Section Alsophila...
- Cyathea abbottiiCyathea abbottiiCyathea abbottii is a species of tree fern native to Hispaniola, where it grows in shaded montane forest at an altitude of 700-1200 m. The trunk is erect and can grow up to 1.6 m in height and 5 cm in diameter. Fronds may reach 1.5 m in length and are pinnate. The rachis is brown and is covered in...
- Cyathea acanthophoraCyathea acanthophoraCyathea acanthophora is a species of tree fern endemic to Kinabalu National Park in Borneo, where it grows in montane rain forest at an altitude of 1250-2000 m. The trunk is erect and can grow as tall as 5 m or higher. Fronds are 2-3 m in length and bi- or tripinnate. The stipe is dark towards the...
- Cyathea acrostichoidesCyathea acrostichoidesCyathea acrostichoides is a species of tree fern native to the Maluku Islands and Western New Guinea, where it grows in forest and disturbed sites at an altitude of 650-1100 m. The trunk is erect and usually 1-3 m tall. Fronds are bipinnate and 1-2 m long. The stipe is slender and covered with...
- Cyathea acuminataCyathea acuminataCyathea acuminata is a species of tree fern native to the islands of Panay and Samar in the Philippines. The trunk is erect and 1-4 m tall or more. Fronds are bi- or tripinnate and about 1 m in length. The stipe is covered with scattered scales and spines...
- Cyathea affinisCyathea affinisCyathea affinis is a variable species of tree fern native to Fiji, Samoa, the Cook Islands, Austral Islands, Tahiti, and the Marquesas Islands. The trunk of this plant is erect and 2-6 m tall. Fronds are bipinnate and 2-3 m in length. The rachis and stipe are pale to brown in colour, or flushed...
- Cyathea albidosquamataCyathea albidosquamataCyathea albidosquamata is a species of tree fern native to the Maluku Islands and New Guinea, where it grows in rain forest and montane forest at an altitude of 1200-1500 m. The trunk is erect and about 2 m tall. Fronds are bi- or tripinnate and 1-1.5 m in length. The lower surface of the rachis is...
- Cyathea alderwereltiiCyathea alderwereltiiCyathea alderwereltii is a species of tree fern endemic to Mount Sago in central Sumatra, where it is nevertheless abundant and grows in forest at an altitude of 1000-1500 m. It has an erect trunch which may be 4 m tall or more. Fronds are bi- or tripinnate and 1-2 m long...
- Cyathea alleniaeCyathea alleniaeCyathea alleniae is a species of tree fern native to the Malay Peninsula, where it grows in forest margin on steep ground at an altitude of approximately 1200 m. The trunk is erect, about 4 m tall and 15 cm in diameter. It is usually unbranched, but may branch to form several small crowns. Fronds...
- Cyathea alpicolaCyathea alpicolaCyathea alpicola is a species of tree fern native to central Sumatra, where it grows in montane rain forest at an altitude of 2000-2750 m. The erect trunk can reach 5 m or more in height. Fronds are bi- or tripinnate and usually 2-3 m long. They have a tendency to persist on the plant after...
- Cyathea amboinensisCyathea amboinensisCyathea amboinensis is a species of tree fern native to the Maluku Islands and possibly central and southern Sulawesi, where it grows in swamp and forest at low elevations. This species has an erect trunk, usually 2-4 m tall. Fronds are 1-2 m long and bi- or tripinnate. The stipe is warty near the...
- Cyathea amintaeCyathea amintaeCyathea amintae is a species of tree fern native to Puerto Rico, where it grows in shaded areas and cloud forest at an altitude of 1000-1200 m. The erect trunk may be 1.3 m tall and approximately 5 cm in diameter. Fronds are pinnate and up to 1.6 m long. The rachis is often purplish brown and...
- Cyathea andersoniiCyathea andersoniiCyathea andersonii is a species of tree fern native to India, Bhutan and southern China, where it grows in moist valleys and montane forest at an altitude of 300-1200 m. The trunk is erect and 6-10 m tall. Fronds are bi- or tripinnate and 2-3 m long...
- Cyathea aneitensisCyathea aneitensisCyathea aneitensis is a species of tree fern native to Vanuatu and possibly New Caledonia. This species has an erect trunk up to 3 m tall. Fronds are bipinnate and may reach 2 m in length. The rachis and stipe are either very dark and smooth or have a few scales towards the base of the stipe. The...
- Cyathea annaeCyathea annaeCyathea annae is a species of tree fern native to Ambon in the Maluku Islands, where it grows in forest from sea level to about 650 m. The erect trunk is slender and may be as tall as 3 m. Fronds are bipinnate and 1-2 m in length. Characteristically of this species, the final pair of pinnae are...
- Cyathea apiculataCyathea apiculataCyathea apiculata is a species of tree fern native to Sumatra, where it grows in montane rain forest at an altitude of about 1800 m. The trunk is erect and usually 5 m tall or more. Fronds are bi- or tripinnate and 2-3 m long. The stipe is pale, becoming darker towards the base. It is covered with...
- Cyathea apoensisCyathea apoensisCyathea apoensis is a species of tree fern native to Mindanao, Negros and southern Luzon in the Philippines, where it grows in dense forest at an altitude of approximately 1800 m. The trunk is erect and 2-5 m tall. The rachis is dark and warty. The stipe is covered with scattered scales, which are...
- Cyathea approximataCyathea approximataCyathea approximata is a species of tree fern endemic to Madagascar. The trunk is erect, spiny and about 2 m tall. Fronds are bipinnate and usually 2 m long. They often form a crown of two whorls of about seven fronds each. Dark brown scales with a paler margin cover the stipe. Sori are round and...
- Cyathea archboldiiCyathea archboldiiCyathea archboldii is a species of tree fern native to New Guinea and Bougainville, where it is common in submontane rain forest at an altitude of 1000-3000 m. The trunk is erect and up to about 3 m tall. Fronds are bipinnate and 2-3 m long. The rachis may be purplish and has short spines and scales...
- Cyathea ascendensCyathea ascendensCyathea ascendens is a species of tree fern native to northeastern New Guinea, where it grows in rain forest at an altitude of 800-1000 m. The erect trunk is slim and 1-2 m tall. Fronds are bi- or tripinnate and may be over 1 m in length. They form a distinctive open crown. The stipe is covered in...
- Cyathea atropurpureaCyathea atropurpureaCyathea atropurpurea is a species of tree fern native to the islands of Luzon, Mindanao, Leyte and Mindanao in the Philippines, where it grows in forest at above 1000 m. The erect trunk is slender and may be up to 3 m tall. Fronds are bipinnate and 1-2 m long. Characteristically of this species,...
- Cyathea australisCyathea australisCyathea australis, also known as the Rough Tree Fern, is a species of tree fern native to southeastern Queensland, New South Wales and southern Victoria in Australia, as well as Tasmania and Norfolk Island. It grows in moist shady forest, both coastal and montane, at an altitude of up to 1280 m,...
- Cyathea baileyanaCyathea baileyanaCyathea baileyana, also known as the wig tree fern, is a species of tree fern native to northeastern Queensland in Australia, where it grows in wet gullies and forest at an altitude of 850-1200 m. It is a rare species that is seldom found in the wild. The erect trunk is 4-5 m tall, approximately 10...
- Cyathea balanocarpaCyathea balanocarpaCyathea balanocarpa is a species of tree fern native to Cuba, Jamaica and Hispaniola. Despite its wide distribution, little is known about this species. It is apparently of hybrid origin....
- Cyathea batjanensisCyathea batjanensisCyathea batjanensis is a species of tree fern native to the Maluku Islands and western New Guinea, where it grows in rain forest at an altitude of approximately 600 m. The trunk is erect and 2–3 m tall. Fronds are bi- or tripinnate and 1–2 m long. The stipe is spiny, warty and covered with...
- Cyathea biformisCyathea biformisCyathea biformis is a species of tree fern native to New Guinea and the Maluku Islands, where it grows against trees in mossy forest and rain forest at an altitude of 850-2200 m. The climbing trunk is very thin, only 1-2 cm in diameter, but can reach 3 m in height. The apex of the trunk is covered...
- Cyathea borneensisCyathea borneensisCyathea borneensis is a species of tree fern native to southern parts of Thailand and Cambodia, as well as the Malay Peninsula and Borneo, where it grows in lowland forest at an altitude of 400-1100 m. The trunk is erect and usually up to 2 m tall or more. Fronds are bi- to tripinnate and 2-3 m...
- Cyathea × boyteliiCyathea × boyteliiCyathea × boytelii is a tree fern endemic to the Sierra Maestra range of southeastern Cuba. It is a natural interspecific hybrid between Cyathea balanocarpa and Cyathea woodwardioides. The spores of C. × boytelii are normal in appearance; Caluff and Serrano suggest that it might therefore be fertile...
- Cyathea brevipinnaCyathea brevipinnaCyathea brevipinna is a species of tree fern endemic to the higher parts of Mount Gower on Lord Howe Island, where it grows in exposed areas at an altitude of about 790 m. The trunk is erect and may reach 3 m in height. It is often covered with reddish brown scales and stipe bases. This species...
- Cyathea brooksiiCyathea brooksiiCyathea brooksii is a species of tree fern native to Cuba, Hispaniola and Puerto Rico, where it grows on serpentine soils in shaded ravines, along streams, and on forested slopese at an altitude of 250-950 m. The trunk is prostrate and only about 6 cm in diameter. Fronds are pinnate or bipinnate...
- Cyathea bryophilaCyathea bryophilaCyathea bryophila is a species of tree fern native to Puerto Rico, where it grows in the understory in wet montane and mossy forest at an altitude of 750-1200 m. The trunk is erect, up to 7 m tall and about 10 cm in diameter. Fronds are pinnate or bipinnate and grow to 2 m in length. The underside...
- Cyathea buennemeijeriiCyathea buennemeijeriiCyathea buennemeijerii is a species of tree fern endemic to the Natuna Islands in Indonesia, where it grows in open scrub at an altitude of about 600 m. This rare species is known only from the summits of two low hills. The trunk is erect and may be 5 m tall or more. Fronds are bi- or tripinnate...
- Cyathea callosaCyathea callosaCyathea callosa is a species of tree fern endemic to Luzon in the Philippines, where it grows in midmontane forest. The trunk is erect and about 3 m tall or more. Fronds are bi- or tripinnate and 1-2 m long. The stipe is spiny and covered with scattered scales that are dark and have pale, fragile...
- Cyathea cameroonianaCyathea cameroonianaCyathea camerooniana is a species of tree fern native to Sierra Leone, Cameroon, northern Angola and western Uganda, where it grows in montane forest at an altitude of 900-1200 m. The trunk is erect and 2-3 m tall. Fronds are pinnate and 2-3 m long. The rachis ranges in colour from dark to pale and...
- Cyathea capensisCyathea capensisCyathea capensis, also known as the Forest Tree Fern, is a widespread and highly variable species of tree fern. It is divided into two subspecies: C. c. capensis from the Old World Tropics and C. c. polypodioides from the New World Tropics. It is the only member of the family Cyatheaceae found in...
- Cyathea catilliferaCyathea catilliferaCyathea catillifera is a species of tree fern native to eastern New Guinea, where it grows in montane scrub at an altitude of about 2800 m and above. It is a rare plant, known only from the type locality. The erect trunk is up to about 1 m tall and 10 cm in diameter. Characteristically of this...
- Cyathea caudataCyathea caudataCyathea caudata is a species of tree fern native to the islands of Luzon and Mindanao in the Philippines, where it grows in montane forest. The trunk is erect and up to 4 m tall or more. Fronds are bi- or tripinnate and 1-2 m long. The stipe is warty and covered with dark, narrow, glossy scales...
- Cyathea chinensisCyathea chinensisCyathea chinensis is a species of tree fern native to Yunnan in China, Sikkim in India, as well as Nepal, Myanmar, Laos and Vietnam. Plants grow in forest and montane forest at an altitude of 900-1800 m. The trunk is erect and 1-2 m tall. Fronds are bipinnate and 1-2 m long...
- Cyathea christiiCyathea christiiCyathea christii is a species of tree fern endemic to Mindanao in the Philippines, where it grows in forest at an altitude of 900-1800 m. The trunk is erect and may be 5 m tall or more. Fronds are bi- or tripinnate and 2-3 m long. The stipe is covered with some warts and narrow, brown scales...
- Cyathea cincinnataCyathea cincinnataCyathea cincinnata is a species of tree fern native to eastern New Guinea, where it grows at an altitude of 1300 m or higher. It is known only from a few collections in the Sepik region . The trunk is erect and short. Fronds are bi- or tripinnate and 1-1.5 m long...
- Cyathea cinereaCyathea cinereaCyathea cinerea is a species of tree fern endemic to Mindanao in the Philippines, where it grows in forest at an altitude of about 1000 m. The trunk is erect, up to 5 m tall and about 12 cm in diameter. Fronds are bi- or tripinnate and 1-2 m long. The stipe has long spines and scattered scales,...
- Cyathea coactilisCyathea coactilisCyathea coactilis is a rare species of tree fern known only from the southern highlands of Papua New Guinea, where it grows in alpine shrubland at an altitude of about 3000 m. The trunk is erect and 2-3 m tall. Fronds are bi- or tripinnate and usually 1-2 m long. Characteristically of this species,...
- Cyathea colensoiCyathea colensoiCyathea colensoi, also known as the Creeping Tree Fern, Mountain Tree Fern and Golden Tree Fern, is a species of tree fern native to...
- Cyathea × confirmisCyathea × confirmisCyathea × confirmis is a tree fern endemic to Haiti. It is a natural hybrid of Cyathea hotteana and Cyathea woodwardioides.C. × confirmis is not to be confused with the similarly named Cyathea conformis.-References:...
- Cyathea corcovadensisCyathea corcovadensisCyathea corcovadensis is a species of tree fern native to Paraguay and Serra do Mar in southern Brazil, where it grows in primary and secondary forest, as well as scrub, at an altitude of 250-2100 m. The erect trunk is short, usually about 30–60 cm tall. Fronds are bipinnate and 2.5 m or more...
- Cyathea costalisoraCyathea costalisoraCyathea costalisora is a species of tree fern native to western New Guinea, where it grows on the edges of forest and in moist hollows at an altitude of 1900-3225 m. The trunk is erect, up to 4 m tall and may branch near the base. Fronds are bi- or tripinnate and 1-1.5 m long. The stipe is warty,...
- Cyathea costulisoraCyathea costulisoraCyathea costulisora is a species of tree fern native to Sumatra. The trunk is erect and usually 1-4 m tall. Fronds are bi- or tripinnate and 1-2 m long. The stipe is covered with warts and scales. The scales are either pale and glossy or dark and flat. Sori occur near the fertile pinnule midvein...
- Cyathea crassaCyathea crassaCyathea crassa is a species of tree fern endemic to the Santo Domingo area in the Dominican Republic. Little is known about this rare tree fern.C...
- Cyathea croftiiCyathea croftiiCyathea croftii is a species of tree fern endemic to Manus Island in the Admiralty Islands, where it grows in damp forest on steep slopes at an altitude of about 500 m. It is relatively uncommon in the wild. The trunk is erect, up to 3 m tall and about 6 cm in diameter. Fronds bi- or...
- Cyathea cuculliferaCyathea cuculliferaCyathea cucullifera is a species of tree fern native to eastern New Guinea, where it grows in montane forest at an altitude of about 2400 m. The trunk is erect and 2-3 m tall. Fronds are bi- or tripinnate and 2-3 m long. Characteristically of this species, they occur in two whorls of four to six...
- Cyathea cunninghamiiCyathea cunninghamiiCyathea cunninghamii, also known as the gully tree fern and slender tree fern, is a species of tree fern native to Victoria, New South Wales, southeastern Queensland and Tasmania in Australia, as well as North Island, South Island and Chatham Islands in New Zealand...
- Cyathea cuspidataCyathea cuspidataCyathea cuspidata is a widespread species of tree fern native to Central and South America, where it grows in tropical rain forest up to the montane zone, as well as in open sites, on riverbanks and cleared pastureland at an altitude of 0-800 m...
- Cyathea dealbataCyathea dealbataCyathea dealbata, or the silver tree fern or silver fern , is a species of medium-sized tree fern, endemic to New Zealand...
- Cyathea deckeniiCyathea deckeniiCyathea deckenii is a species of tree fern native to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tanzania and Mozambique, where it grows in wet forest at an altitude of 1350-2300 m. The trunk is erect and up to 10 m tall. Fronds are bipinnate and 2-3 m long. Characteristically of this species, the most...
- Cyathea decoraCyathea decoraCyathea decora is a species of tree fern native to Ecuador and possibly other parts of western South America. Little is known about this species and it is the source of some taxonomic confusion....
- Cyathea decrescensCyathea decrescensCyathea decrescens is a species of tree fern endemic to Madagascar. The trunk is erect, 2-3 m tall and 10-12 cm in diameter. It usually has characteristic elliptical scars caused by fallen stipe bases. Fronds are bipinnate and 1-1.5 m long. The fronds may be densely pubescent and the lower pinnules...
- Cyathea dicksonioidesCyathea dicksonioidesCyathea dicksonioides is a species of tree fern native to northeastern New Guinea, where it grows in grassland at an altitude of 2600-2900 m. It is a relatively uncommon species. The erect trunk may be 3 m tall or more and about 20 cm in diameter. Fronds are bi- or tripinnate and approximately 1 m...
- Cyathea dimorphaCyathea dimorphaCyathea dimorpha is a species of tree fern native to central and southeastern Sulawesi, where it grows at an altitude of 120-1700 m. The trunk is erect and 3-4 m tall. Fronds are pinnate to bipinnate and up to 2 m long. Fertile pinnules are reduced in size. The stipe is short and bears basal...
- Cyathea doctersiiCyathea doctersiiCyathea doctersii is a species of tree fern endemic to Sumatra, where it grows in forest at an altitude of approximately 150 m. The trunk is erect and 2-3 m tall. Fronds are bi- or tripinnate and 2-3 m long. The stipe is covered with scattered flat, brown scales and some hairs...
- Cyathea dregeiCyathea dregeiCyathea dregei, also known as the Common Tree Fern and Gewone Boomvaring in Afrikaans, is a widespread species of tree fern in southern Africa...
- Cyathea × dryopteroidesCyathea × dryopteroidesCyathea × dryopteroides is a tree fern native to Puerto Rico, where it grows at an altitude of 1000-1200 m. It is now known to be of hybrid origin between Cyathea amintae and Cyathea bryophila.-References:...
- Cyathea edanoiCyathea edanoiCyathea edanoi is a species of tree fern endemic to Luzon in the Philippines, where it grows in montane forest at an altitude of about 1300 m. The trunk is erect and 1-2 m tall. Fronds are bi- or tripinnate and approximately 1 m long. The stipe is covered in dark, glossy scales that have narrow,...
- Cyathea elongataCyathea elongataCyathea elongata is a species of tree fern native to Venezuela and Colombia, where it grows in montane areas at an altitude of 2000-3000 m. The trunk is erect and up to 11 m tall. Fronds are pinnate and usually 2-3 m long. The rachis and stipe are brown, may be smooth to warty and have basal tan...
- Cyathea erinaceaCyathea erinaceaCyathea erinacea is a species of tree fern native to Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia. It grows in tropical rain forest, particularly in the understory, and on riverbanks up to the montane zone at an altitude of about 800-2100 m. The erect trunk is up to 15...
- Cyathea eriophoraCyathea eriophoraCyathea eriophora is a species of tree fern native to eastern New Guinea, where it grows in wet ravine forest at an altitude of 1400-2000 m. The trunk is erect and 2-3 m tall. Fronds are bi- or tripinnate and 2-3 m long. The stipe is dark and covered with spines and scales. The scales are variable,...
- Cyathea esmeraldensisCyathea esmeraldensisCyathea esmeraldensis is a species of tree fern native to the western Andes of Ecuador, where it grows on the sides of rocky streambeds at an altitude of . The specific epithet esmeraldensis refers to Esmeraldas Province.-Description:...
- Cyathea evertaCyathea evertaCyathea everta is a species of tree fern native to western New Guinea, where it grows in the edges of forest or in mossy forest at an altitude of 1400-2800 m. The trunk is erect and up to 5 m tall. Fronds are bi- or tripinnate and 1-1.5 m long. Numerous fronds are present at any one time and form a...
- Cyathea excavataCyathea excavataCyathea excavata is a species of tree fern endemic to the Cameron Highlands in Peninsular Malaysia, where it grows in habitats ranging from forest, streamsides, clearings and open grassy areas at an altitude of approximately 1800 m. The trunk is erect and up to 2 m tall or more. It forms lateral...
- Cyathea exilisCyathea exilisCyathea exilis is a species of tree fern endemic to the Cape York Peninsula in Queensland, Australia, where it grows in vine forest on a substrate of sandstone. It is a rare plant known only from one location, specifically by a stream in Mann Creek in the William Thompson Range. In its natural...
- Cyathea fadeniiCyathea fadeniiCyathea fadenii is a species of tree fern endemic to the Uluguru Mountains in Tanzania, where it grows on exposed ridges and on the upper edge of montane forest at an altitude of 1700-2100 m. The trunk is erect, up to 4 m tall and 3-5 cm in diameter. Fronds are bipinnate...
- Cyathea × fagildeiCyathea × fagildeiCyathea × fagildei is a tree fern endemic to the Sierra de Moa and Sierra del Purial in Guantánamo Province, Cuba. It is a natural interspecific hybrid between Cyathea minor and Cyathea woodwardioides. The spores of C...
- Cyathea fenicisCyathea fenicisCyathea fenicis is a species of tree fern native to the Philippines, Taiwan, and Orchid Island, where it grows in wet forest, forest margins and on hillsides. The trunk is erect, up to 1 m tall and about 6 cm in diameter. Fronds are tripinnate and 1.5-2 m long. Characteristically of this species,...
- Cyathea ferrugineaCyathea ferrugineaCyathea ferruginea is a species of tree fern native to the islands of Negros, Palawan and Balabac, where it grows in mossy forest up to an altitude of about 1200 m. The trunk is erect and 2-4 m tall. Fronds are bi- or tripinnate and up to 1 m in length. The stipe bears short spines and sparse...
- Cyathea foersteriCyathea foersteriCyathea foersteri is a species of tree fern native to eastern New Guinea, where it grows in scrub in forest margins and mossy forest at an altitude of 1600-2800 m. The trunk is erect and up to 10 m tall. Fronds may be bi- or tripinnate and 2-2.5 m long. Usually around nine or ten live fronds are...
- Cyathea fulgensCyathea fulgensCyathea fulgens is a species of tree fern native to Cuba, Jamaica and Hispaniola. It forms part of the complex centered around Cyathea woodwardioides comprising six very similar taxa from the Greater Antilles. The other five species are Cyathea crassa, Cyathea grevilleana, Cyathea portoricensis and...
- Cyathea fuliginosaCyathea fuliginosaCyathea fuliginosa is a species of tree fern native to the islands of Luzon, Biliran and Mindanao in the Philippines, where it grows in forest at an altitude of 640-2400 m. This tree fern has an erect trunk up to 5 m tall or more. Fronds are bi- or tripinnate and 1-3 m in length...
- Cyathea geluensisCyathea geluensisCyathea geluensis is a species of tree fern native to central and eastern New Guinea as well as the Louisiade Archipelago, where it grows in mossy forest. In New Guinea itself, plants grow at an altitude of 1000-2000 m, however they are present at lower elevations of 700-900 m on associated...
- Cyathea giganteaCyathea giganteaCyathea gigantea is a species of tree fern native to northeastern to southern India, Sri Lanka, Nepal to Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, the Malay Peninsula, as well as central Sumatra and western Java. It grows in moist open areas at an altitude of 600-1000 m. The trunk of this species is erect...
- Cyathea glaberrimaCyathea glaberrimaCyathea glaberrima is a species of tree fern endemic to the D'Entrecasteaux Islands, specifically Fergusson Island and Goodenough Island, where it grows in mossy forest at an altitude of 900-1400 m. The trunk is erect and usually about 2 m tall. Fronds may be bi- or tripinnate, are 1-2 m in length,...
- Cyathea glabraCyathea glabraCyathea glabra is a species of tree fern native to Borneo, western Java, Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula, where it grows in lowland swamp forest and montane forest at an elevation of up to 1500 m. The trunk of this plant is erect and 2-4 m tall. Fronds are bi- or tripinnate and 1-2 m in length....
- Cyathea glazioviiCyathea glazioviiCyathea glaziovii is a species of tree fern. Very little is known about this plant and its taxonomic status is uncertain.-References:*...
- Cyathea gleichenioidesCyathea gleichenioidesCyathea gleichenioides is a species of tree fern endemic to New Guinea, where it grows in open peaty grassland and on forest margins, often in groups, at an altitude of 2800-3700 m. The trunk of this plant is erect, up to 3 m tall and about 24 cm in diameter. The narrow fronds are tripinnate and...
- Cyathea gregariaCyathea gregariaCyathea gregaria is a species of tree fern endemic to eastern New Guinea, where it grows in lowland forest and coastal rain forest, often forming clumps, at an elevation of up to 100 m. The trunk of this plant is erect and usually 4-5 m tall and about 10 cm in diameter. Fronds may be bi- or...
- Cyathea grevilleanaCyathea grevilleanaCyathea grevilleana is a species of tree fern endemic to Jamaica, where it grows in moist gullies and on wooded hills in both calcareous and noncalcareous soils at an altitude of 200-1200 m. The trunk of this plant is erect, about 7 m tall, and 10-15 cm in diameter. It is characteristically clothed...
- Cyathea halconensisCyathea halconensisCyathea halconensis is a species of tree fern native to the islands of Luzon and Mindoro in the Philippines, where it grows in forest at an altitude of 1200-1700 m. The trunk of this plant is erect and 2-4 m tall. Fronds may be bi- or tripinnate and more than 1 m in length. Conical spines and...
- Cyathea hancockiiCyathea hancockiiCyathea hancockii is a species of tree fern native to the Ryukyu Islands, Japan, Taiwan and Hong Kong. The specific epithet hancockii commemorates William Hancock , who collected numerous plants in Japan, China and Southeast Asia...
- Cyathea havilandiiCyathea havilandiiCyathea hancockii is a species of tree fern endemic to Kinabalu National Park in Borneo, where it grows in ridge forest at an altitude of 2400-3000 m. It is a rather small species, having an erect trunk about 50 cm tall or more. Fronds are narrow, erect and tripinnate. They are usually about 1 m in...
- Cyathea henryiCyathea henryiCyathea henryi is a species of tree fern native to India and Yunnan in China, where it grows submontane and montane forest at an altitude of 600-1200 m. The trunk of this plant is erect and may be 5-7 m tall or more. Fronds are bi- or tripinnate and usually 2-3 m in length. The rachis is smooth and...
- Cyathea heterochlamydeaCyathea heterochlamydeaCyathea heterochlamydea is a little-known species of tree fern native to the islands of Luzon, Panay, Negros and Mindanao in the Philippines, where it grows in montane forest. The trunk of this plant is erect and usually up to 4 m tall or more. Fronds may be bi- or tripinnate and 1-2 m in length....
- Cyathea hooglandiiCyathea hooglandiiCyathea hooglandii is a species of tree fern native to the Western Highlands of New Guinea, where it grows in mossy forest at an altitude of about 3000 m. The trunk of this plant is erect, up to 3 m tall and approximately 10 cm in diameter. Fronds are tripinnate, 1-2 m in length and produced in two...
- Cyathea hookeriCyathea hookeriCyathea hookeri is a species of tree fern endemic to Sri Lanka, where it grows in lowland forest. This plant has a narrow, erect trunk that is usually 1-2 m tall. Fronds are pinnate and approximately 1 m in length. The stipe is dark and covered with blunt spines and scattered scales. These scales...
- Cyathea horneiCyathea horneiCyathea hornei is a species of tree fern. Its natural distribution covers eastern New Guinea and the Louisiade Archipelago to Fiji, where it grows in wet submontane forest, stunted forest, mossy forest, and on ridges, at an altitude of 400-2000 m. The trunk of this plant is erect, 3-4 m tall and up...
- Cyathea horridulaCyathea horridulaCyathea horridula is a species of tree fern native to western New Guinea, where it grows in montane forest at an altitude of approximately 1700 m. It is a rare plant known only from the type locality. This plant has an erect trunk up to 3 m tall or more. Fronds may be bi- or tripinnate and 1-2 m in...
- Cyathea hotteanaCyathea hotteanaCyathea hotteana is a species of tree fern endemic to Haiti, where it grows in cloud forest at an altitude of 1000-1200 m. The trunk of this plant is erect, up to 2 m tall, and approximately 8 cm in diameter. Fronds are pinnate and may reach 2 m in length. Brown basal scales cover the rachis and...
- Cyathea humilisCyathea humilisCyathea humilis is a species of tree fern native to Kenya, as well as the Usambara and Uluguru Mountains in Tanzania, where it grows in wet forest at an altitude of 1100-2000 m. The trunk of this plant is erect and 2-3 m tall. Fronds are pinnate and 1-2 m in length. Dead fronds are often retained...
- Cyathea hunsteinianaCyathea hunsteinianaCyathea hunsteiniana is a species of tree fern endemic to eastern New Guinea, where it grows in rain forest at an altitude of 1300-2000 m. This species has a slender, erect trunk up to 1 m tall and about 3 cm in diameter. Fronds are bipinnate and approximately 1 m in length. Scattered scales cover...
- Cyathea hymenodesCyathea hymenodesCyathea hymenodes is a species of tree fern native to the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, and possibly Java, where it grows in montane forest at an altitude of 900-2000 m. The trunk of this plant is erect and 2-4 m tall. Fronds may be bi- or tripinnate and 1-2 m in length. The stipe may have a pair of...
- Cyathea imbricataCyathea imbricataCyathea imbricata is a species of tree fern endemic to Western New Guinea, where it grows in open forest at an altitude of 3240 m. The trunk of this plant is erect and approximately 2 m tall. Fronds may be bi- or tripinnate and are usually less than 1 m in length. The stipe is dark, spiny, and...
- Cyathea imrayanaCyathea imrayanaCyathea imrayana is a species of tree fern native to Dominica, Costa Rica, Panama, Venezuela, and Ecuador.The plant grows in submontane rain forest understory and riparian zones on riverbanks, at an altitude of .-Description:...
- Cyathea incanaCyathea incanaCyathea incana is a species of tree fern native to Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and northern Argentina. Very little is known about this plant.-References:...
- Cyathea incisoserrataCyathea incisoserrataCyathea incisoserrata is a species of tree fern native to the Malay Peninsula and the state of Sarawak on the island of Borneo, where it grows in forest and forest margins from the lowland to approximately 1250 m. The trunk is erect, about 4 m tall and 12 cm in diameter. Fronds may be bi- or...
- Cyathea inquinansCyathea inquinansCyathea inquinans is a species of tree fern native to southwestern Sulawesi and possibly the Maluku Islands, where it grows in montane forest at an altitude of 2000-2800 m. This plant has an erect trunk that is usually 2-4 m tall. Fronds may be bi- or tripinnate and 1 m or more in length. The stipe...
- Cyathea insulanaCyathea insulanaCyathea insulana is a species of tree fern native to New Guinea, where it grows in mossy forest and ravines at an altitude of 750-1600 m. The trunk of this species is erect, 8-10 m tall, and 14 cm in diameter. Fronds may be bi- or tripinnate and approximately 3 m in length. They form a spreading...
- Cyathea javanicaCyathea javanicaCyathea javanica is a species of tree fern native to western Java and Sumatra, where it grows in rain forest and on riverbanks at an altitude of 250-1500 m. The trunk of this plant is erect and up to about 10 m tall. Fronds may be bi- or tripinnate and 2-3 m in length. The stipe is spiny and bears...
- Cyathea junghuhnianaCyathea junghuhnianaCyathea junghuhniana is a species of tree fern native to southern and central Sumatra and western Java, where it grows in forest at an altitude of 1000-2000 m. The trunk of this species is erect and may be 2 m tall or more. Fronds are tripinnate and up to about 3 m long. The stipes of this species...
- Cyathea kanehiraeCyathea kanehiraeCyathea kanehirae is a species of tree fern native to western New Guinea, where it grows in montane forest at an altitude of 1600-2700 m. The trunk of this plant is erect and 1-4 m tall. Fronds may be bi- or tripinnate and 1-2 m in length. The rachis is smooth, while the stipe is dark and warty....
- Cyathea kermadecensisCyathea kermadecensisCyathea kermadecensis is a species of tree fern endemic to Raoul Island in the Kermadec Islands, where it is locally common in damp, and sometimes drier, forest and scrub. The trunk of this plant is erect, slender, and up to 20 m tall. It is often covered with scars of old stipe-bases. Fronds are...
- Cyathea khasyanaCyathea khasyanaCyathea khasyana is a species of tree fern. Its natural distribution extends from India to Myanmar, although it is absent from Sri Lanka. C. khasyana grows in forest at an altitude of 1400-1700 m. The trunk of this plant is erect and 5-7 m tall. Fronds may be bi- or tripinnate and 2-3 m in length....
- Cyathea klossiiCyathea klossiiCyathea klossii is a species of tree fern native to western New Guinea, where it grows in rain forest from the lowlands up to an elevation of about 750 m. The trunk of this plant is erect, 1-2 m tall, and only 1-2 cm in diameter. Fronds are pinnate and usually 0.5-1 m in length. The stipe bears...
- Cyathea latebrosaCyathea latebrosaCyathea latebrosa is a common and widespread species of tree fern native to Indochina. Its natural range covers Cambodia and Thailand, and stretches from the Malay Peninsula to Indonesia, where it is present on the islands of Borneo and Sumatra. Plants reported from India and Sri Lanka have thinner...
- Cyathea latipinnulaCyathea latipinnulaCyathea latipinnula is a species of tree fern native to the Philippines, where it grows in ridge forest at an altitude of about 1400 m. The trunk of this plant is erect and grows to 1-2 m in height and 10 cm in diameter. Fronds may be bi- or tripinnate and 1-2 m in length. The stipe is spiny and...
- Cyathea ledermanniiCyathea ledermanniiCyathea ledermannii is a species of tree fern native to Papua New Guinea and Bougainville Province in the Solomon Islands, where it is common in submontane rain forest at an altitude of 1000-3000 m. The trunk of this plant is erect and grows to about 3 m in height. Fronds may be bi- or tripinnate...
- Cyathea lepidocladaCyathea lepidocladaCyathea lepidoclada is a species of tree fern native to central and eastern New Guinea, where it is locally common in rain forest and mossy forest at an altitude of 200-1000 m. The trunk of this species is erect and usually 2-3 m tall. Fronds are bipinnate, about 1.5 m in length, and form a sparse...
- Cyathea loerzingii
- Cyathea loheri
- Cyathea longipes
- Cyathea lurida
- Cyathea macarthurii
- Cyathea macgillivrayi
- Cyathea macgregoriiCyathea macgregoriiCyathea macgregorii is a species of tree fern in the family Cyatheaceae. Its trunk is approximately 3 meters tall and about 24 centimeters thick. It has narrow and tripinnate fronds which are about 1 meter long, occurring in clusters of approximately 60, and form a round crown. The stipe is scaly...
- Cyathea macropoda
- Cyathea madagascarica
- Cyathea magnifolia
- Cyathea manniana
- Cyathea marattioides
- Cyathea × marcescensCyathea × marcescensCyathea × marcescens, commonly known as the Skirted Tree Fern, is a tree fern endemic to the Cape Otway ranges in Victoria and Tasmania, Australia. It is a natural hybrid, apparently Cyathea australis × Cyathea cunninghamii. Braggins and Large note that it has characteristics midway between these...
- Cyathea masapilidensis
- Cyathea media
- Cyathea × medinae
- Cyathea mesosora
- Cyathea mettenianaCyathea mettenianaCyathea metteniana is a species of tree fern native to the Ryukyu Islands, Japan, and Taiwan, where it grows in wet forest, forest margins, and on hillsides. The trunk of this plant is erect, up to 1 m tall, and 6-10 cm in diameter. C. metteniana has tripinnate fronds that are 1-2.5 m long. The...
- Cyathea mexicana
- Cyathea microchlamys
- Cyathea microphylloides
- Cyathea mildbraedii
- Cyathea milnei
- Cyathea minor
- Cyathea modesta
- Cyathea mossambicensis
- Cyathea muelleri
- Cyathea negrosiana
- Cyathea nicklesii
- Cyathea nigrolineataCyathea nigrolineataCyathea nigrolineata is a species of tree fern in the family Cyatheaceae. Its trunk is approximately 10 meters tall. It has fronds that are 2 to 3 meters in length and bi- or tripinnate. The fronds are placed in groups of 5 to 8 per whorl. The stipe is scaly. It occurs in Eastern New Guinea forests...
- Cyathea nigropaleata
- Cyathea nilgirensis
- Cyathea nockii
- Cyathea obtusiloba
- Cyathea ogurae
- Cyathea oinops
- Cyathea oosora
- Cyathea orientalis
- Cyathea pachyrrhachis
- Cyathea pallidipaleata
- Cyathea parva
- Cyathea patellifera
- Cyathea percrassa
- Cyathea perpelvigera
- Cyathea perpunctulata
- Cyathea perrieriana
- Cyathea physolepidota
- Cyathea plagiostegia
- Cyathea podophyllaCyathea podophyllaCyathea podophylla is a widespread species of tree fern native to southern China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, and the Ryukyu Islands. It grows in forest by streams and in ravines at an altitude of 600-1000 m.-References:...
- Cyathea polycarpa
- Cyathea polystichoides
- Cyathea portoricensis
- Cyathea pruinosa
- Cyathea pseudomuelleri
- Cyathea pubescens
- Cyathea punctulata
- Cyathea pycnoneura
- Cyathea raciborskii
- Cyathea ramispina
- Cyathea rebeccae
- Cyathea recommutataCyathea recommutataCyathea recommutata is a species of tree fern native to the Malay Peninsula, central and southern Sumatra and Borneo, where it grows in acidic peaty or sandy soils in wet forest, as well as swamp forest, from sea level to an altitude of 1500 m. The trunk is erect and rarely taller than 3 m. Fronds...
- Cyathea recurvata
- Cyathea rigens
- Cyathea rubella
- Cyathea rubiginosa
- Cyathea rufopannosa
- Cyathea rupestris
- Cyathea saccata
- Cyathea salletii
- Cyathea salvinii
- Cyathea scandens
- Cyathea schlechteri
- Cyathea schliebenii
- Cyathea sechellarum
- Cyathea semiamplectensCyathea semiamplectensCyathea semiamplectens is a species of tree fern in North-eastern New Guinea at 3300 to 3590 metres. Its trunk is 1 to 2 metres tall. The stipe is covered by thin scales. The scales are either having a dark middle band and fragile edges or are pale all over. Fronds are bi- or tripinnate and 1-2 m...
- Cyathea serratifolia
- Cyathea setosa
- Cyathea setulosa
- Cyathea sinuataCyathea sinuataCyathea sinuata is unique among the tree ferns in that it has entire leaves, not pinnate or lobed. It is native to Sri Lanka but rare, being only known from one local forest area. It is one of the smallest species of tree ferns, growing only about one meter tall, with fronds 60 to 90 centimeters ...
- Cyathea smithiiCyathea smithiiCyathea smithii, commonly known as the Soft Tree Fern or Katote, is a species of tree fern.-Distribution and ecology:The species natural distribution covers North Island, South Island, Stewart Island/Rakiura, and the Chatham Islands of New Zealand south to the Auckland Islands...
- Cyathea solomonensis
- Cyathea spinulosa
- Cyathea stuebelii
- Cyathea subdubia
- Cyathea subtripinnata
- Cyathea sumatrana
- Cyathea tenuicaulis
- Cyathea ternatea
- Cyathea thomsonii
- Cyathea tryoniana
- Cyathea tsilotsilensis
- Cyathea tussacii
- Cyathea urbanii
- Cyathea vandeusenii
- Cyathea vieillardii
- Cyathea walkerae
- Cyathea welwitschii
- Cyathea wengiensis
- Cyathea woodwardioides
- Cyathea woollsiana
- Cyathea zakamenensis
- Section CyatheaCyathea sect. CyatheaCyathea is a section in the subgenus Cyathea.-Classification:*Subgenus Cyathea**Section Cyathea***Cyathea acutidens***Cyathea alata***Cyathea albomarginata***Cyathea alphonsiana***Cyathea alstonii...
- Cyathea acutidens
- Cyathea alata
- Cyathea albomarginata
- Cyathea alphonsiana
- Cyathea alstonii
- Cyathea amazonica
- Cyathea andina
- Cyathea arborea
- Cyathea armata
- Cyathea aspera
- Cyathea atahuallpa
- Cyathea aterrima
- Cyathea atrovirens
- Cyathea barringtonii
- Cyathea × bernardii
- Cyathea bettinae
- Cyathea bicrenata
- Cyathea bipinnata
- Cyathea boliviana
- Cyathea borinquena
- Cyathea bradei
- Cyathea brevistipes
- Cyathea brunnescens
- Cyathea × calolepis
- Cyathea caracasana
- Cyathea cicatricosa
- Cyathea concordia
- Cyathea conformis
- Cyathea conjugata
- Cyathea corallifera
- Cyathea costaricensis
- †Cyathea cranhamiiCyathea cranhamiiCyathea cranhamii is an extinct species of tree fern. It was described based on permineralised sori from the Early Cretaceous deposits of Apple Bay in Vancouver Island, British Columbia....
- Cyathea cyatheoides
- Cyathea cyclodium
- Cyathea cystolepis
- Cyathea darienensis
- Cyathea decomposita
- Cyathea decorata
- Cyathea decurrens
- Cyathea delgadiiCyathea delgadiiCyathea delgadii is a widespread species of tree fern native to Costa Rica, Panama, Venezuela, French Guiana, Guyana, Trinidad, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Paraguay, and Brazil....
- Cyathea demissa
- Cyathea dichromatolepis
- Cyathea dissimilis
- Cyathea dissoluta
- Cyathea divergens
- Cyathea dombeyi
- Cyathea dudleyi
- Cyathea ebenina
- Cyathea estelae
- Cyathea falcata
- Cyathea frigida
- Cyathea fulva
- Cyathea furfuracea
- Cyathea gardneri
- Cyathea gibbosa
- Cyathea glaucaCyathea glaucaCyathea glauca is a species of tree fern endemic to Réunion. Little is known about this species.C. glauca is not to be confused with Cyathea glauca used as a synonym of Cyathea mexicana.-References:*...
- Cyathea gracilis
- Cyathea halonata
- Cyathea harrisii
- Cyathea haughtii
- Cyathea hemiepiphytica
- Cyathea hirsuta
- Cyathea hodgeana
- Cyathea holdridgeana
- Cyathea howeana
- Cyathea impar
- Cyathea intramarginalis
- Cyathea jamaicensis
- Cyathea kalbreyeri
- Cyathea lasiosora
- Cyathea latevagens
- Cyathea lechleri
- Cyathea leucofolis
- Cyathea × lewisii
- Cyathea lockwoodiana
- Cyathea macrocarpa
- Cyathea macrosora
- Cyathea marginalis
- Cyathea microdonta
- Cyathea microphylla
- Cyathea microphylla
- Cyathea mucilagina
- Cyathea multiflora
- Cyathea multisegmenta
- Cyathea myosuroides
- Cyathea nanna
- Cyathea nesiotica
- Cyathea nigripes
- Cyathea nodulifera
- Cyathea notabilis
- Cyathea onusta
- Cyathea palaciosii
- Cyathea paladensis
- Cyathea pallescens
- Cyathea parianensis
- Cyathea parva
- Cyathea parvula
- Cyathea pauciflora
- Cyathea petiolata
- Cyathea phalaenolepis
- Cyathea phalerata
- Cyathea phegopteroides
- Cyathea pilosissima
- Cyathea pinnula
- Cyathea platylepis
- Cyathea poeppigii
- Cyathea praecincta
- Cyathea pseudonanna
- Cyathea pubens
- Cyathea punctata
- Cyathea pungens
- Cyathea robertsiana
- Cyathea rufa
- Cyathea ruiziana
- Cyathea sagittifolia
- Cyathea schiedeana
- Cyathea schlimii
- Cyathea senilis
- Cyathea simplex
- Cyathea sipapoensis
- Cyathea speciosa
- Cyathea squamulosa
- Cyathea steyermarkii
- Cyathea stipularis
- Cyathea stokesii
- Cyathea stolzei
- Cyathea straminea
- Cyathea subtropica
- Cyathea suprastrigosa
- Cyathea surinamensis
- Cyathea tenera
- Cyathea tortuosa
- Cyathea trichiata
- Cyathea tryonorum
- Cyathea ursina
- Cyathea valdecrenata
- Cyathea venezuelensis
- Cyathea villosa
- Cyathea weatherbyana
- Cyathea wendlandii
- Cyathea werffii
- Cyathea williamsii
- Cyathea abbottii
- Section Alsophila