Consumers' Institute of New Zealand
The history of Consumer
The Consumers’ Council was established in 1959 ‘to protect and promote the interest of consumers of goods and services’. In 1963 the name Consumers Institute was adopted and in 1967 it became a separate government funded entity. In 1986 the Ministry of Consumer AffairsConsumer protection
Consumer protection laws designed to ensure fair trade competition and the free flow of truthful information in the marketplace. The laws are designed to prevent businesses that engage in fraud or specified unfair practices from gaining an advantage over competitors and may provide additional...
was established and the Consumers Institute lost its special legal protection and government funding. The Consumers Institute became an incorporated society funded by members’ subscriptions in 1989 and in 2007 the Consumers’ Institute was renamed Consumer NZ.
About Consumer
Consumer’s work covers a wide range of activities relating to consumer protection and information. Its work includes, comparative tests and surveys of consumer goods and services, research into and advice on financial, food, health, safety, welfare and environmental matters, representation at parliamentary committees and public enquiries and an interest in consumer educationConsumer education
Consumer education is the preparation of an individual through skills, concepts and understanding that are required for everyday living to achieve maximum satisfaction and utilization of his resources....
and complaints advisory work.
Consumer commissions independent laboratories to carry out product tests. Consumer does not accept free goodFree good
Free goods are what is needed by the society and is available without limits. The free good is a term used in economics to describe a good that is not scarce. A free good is available in as great a quantity as desired with zero opportunity cost to society....
s for testing or sponsorship. The magazine is completely independent and has no ties with any commercial firm or organisation. Their membership of Consumers International
Consumers International
Consumers International is the world federation of consumer groups that serves as the only independent and authoritative global voice for consumers...
means they benefit from an exchange of information with consumer organisations
Consumer organization
Consumer organizations are advocacy groups that seek to protect people from corporate abuse like unsafe products, predatory lending, false advertising, astroturfing and pollution.Consumer organizations may operate via protests, campaigning or lobbying...
around the world.
How Consumer is financed
Consumers’ money comes from the sale of publications and subscriptions to Consumer and consumer.org.nz. When a customer subscribes to Consumer magazine or consumer.org.nz they become a member of Consumer NZ (unless they request otherwise) and have the right to nominate and vote for Board members.The Board
Consumer NZ is governed by an elected board of seven members who hold office for three years. The current chair is Mark BedfordMark Bedford
Mark Bedford , nicknamed 'Bedders', is a bass guitarist and former member of the band Madness....
. The deputy chair is Jo Bransgrove. As part of Consumers’ work on behalf of all NZ consumers, they regularly make submissions to Government and statutory authorities on a wide range of issues affecting consumers.