Coma Girl: The State of Grace
Coma Girl: The State of Grace is a 2005 comedy film written and directed by Dina Jacobsen
Dina Jacobsen
Dina Jacobsen is an award-winning screenwriter and director. She was born in Iraq and grew up in Beirut, Lebanon.She started her career as an actress on BBC's 'Casualty'....

 and produced by Lisa Renée.


Grace Anderson never knew how to feel good and hated to feel bad, so chose to feel nothing. Since her parents died, twenty years ago, she has been living with her perfect older sister, Mandy. When Mandy decides that she wants to move to Norway, Grace has to take care of herself for the first time. The process of finding a new flat leads Grace to question her job, her life choices and her very existence. Her life then seems to spiral out of control as she quits her job of the last 15 years, that of a data processor, and attempts to find a career with purpose.

Helping her in her quest for a better, more waking life, is her friend, Megan, and numerous vox-pop interjections by well-meaning advisers. Gradually serendipity enters her life through the very act of her questioning and she finds a new career as a stand-up comedienne, a new flatmate and eventually love. Her life starts to make sense after all when she accepts the call to grace.


In Greek mythology
Greek mythology
Greek mythology is the body of myths and legends belonging to the ancient Greeks, concerning their gods and heroes, the nature of the world, and the origins and significance of their own cult and ritual practices. They were a part of religion in ancient Greece...

 there is a great tradition of the hero and the hero's journey
Joseph Campbell's term monomyth, also referred to as the hero's journey, is a basic pattern that its proponents argue is found in many narratives from around the world. This widely distributed pattern was described by Campbell in The Hero with a Thousand Faces...

. The beginning of that journey, the pre-journey, is the necessary growth from child-hero to hero. It has three stages: abandonment, exposure and danger. By experiencing these stages and passing the various rites they entail, the child-hero grows up and embarks on their hero's quest.

Grace has never grown up. She drags her feet through life, never becoming more than a partial adult, always shrinking from the demands of total responsibility. Grace finally stops blaming others for her state, thinks about someone else for a change and opens herself up to the call to grace, the call to adulthood.
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